Tag: asteroid

Scary Asteroid Parade on way this weekend! Is Earth in danger? NASA reveals all about these horrific space rocks

Scary Asteroid Parade on way this weekend! Is Earth in danger? NASA reveals all about these horrific space rocks

[ad_1] NASA has warned about the asteroids hurtling towards Earth. Do they pose danger? Know all here. In recent times, Earth has narrowly escaped the terror posed by asteroids that have flown by very close to our planet. Though none of these asteroids has hit the Earth, still they pose a threat due to their close proximity to our planet. In fact, just a few weeks ago, a smaller asteroid had impacted Earth, but it was too small to cause any damage. However, the threat is not over yet! NASA has warned that there will be four such asteroids larger than 100 feet in size that will be making close approaches to Earth this weekend. In effect, it will be an asteroid parade for skywatchers. However, do they pose any threat to Earth s...
40-foot killer Asteroid 2022 QP4 zooming past Earth today! Speed will astonish you

40-foot killer Asteroid 2022 QP4 zooming past Earth today! Speed will astonish you

[ad_1] NASA has warned that 40 feet wide Asteroid 2022 QP4 will zoom past Earth today, August 26. Here's what you need to know. Earth's atmosphere has been showered with asteroids this month with more than 35 asteroids already missing Earth by a close margin. Although none of the asteroids have crashed on Earth, they still pose a threat due to their close proximity with Earth. Now, NASA has warned that another asteroid will zoom past Earth closely today. The asteroid, named Asteroid 2022 QP4 is already on its way towards Earth.Asteroid 2022 QP4 to zoom past EarthNearly 40 feet in width, Asteroid 2022 QP4 is almost as wide as a bus. It is expected to zoom past Earth closely today at 21:45 UTC time. According to NASA, the aster...
Historic! NASA DART Mission to crash into an asteroid; You can watch it live

Historic! NASA DART Mission to crash into an asteroid; You can watch it live

[ad_1] NASA's DART Mission spacecraft will collide with an asteroid on September 26, 2022. Here is how you can watch it live. NASA with its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission is all set to soon crash a spacecraft into an asteroid on September 26, 2022 to test planetary defence techniques. It can be known that the asteroid with which the spacecraft is going to collide is non-hazardous. If you want to watch the historic collision then you can know that NASA will be broadcasting it live. Informing about the same NASA tweeted, "Our #DARTMission will intentionally crash into an asteroid—which poses no threat to Earth—on Monday, Sept. 26. It's a test of planetary defense should we ever need it. And we're broadcasting i...
DANGER! 100-foot Asteroid 2022 QQ4 hurtling towards Earth; NASA reveals date, time

DANGER! 100-foot Asteroid 2022 QQ4 hurtling towards Earth; NASA reveals date, time

[ad_1] 100 foot wide Asteroid 2022 QQ4 will just miss Earth on August 27, says NASA. Here’s what we know about it. huge 100 foot wide asteroid is heading for Earth. NASA issued a warning that the asteroid is on its way to Earth, but will just about miss the planet on August 26. The asteroid, named Asteroid 2022 QQ4 by NASA, is nearly the size of an aeroplane and could potentially hit Earth if it deviates from its path. NASA is continuously monitoring the skies for any asteroids that may potentially come too close to Earth and it has red-flagged the Asteroid 2022 QQ4.Will Asteroid 2022 QQ4 hit Earth?NASA has said that Asteroid 2022 QQ4 is heading for a close approach with Earth. It is travelling at a blistering speed of nearly...
NASA warns of asteroid heading for close encounter with Earth on August 26

NASA warns of asteroid heading for close encounter with Earth on August 26

[ad_1] NASA has warned that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 QP4 is headed towards Earth with the close encounter happening tomorrow, August 26. Here’s what we know. Yet another asteroid is coming towards Earth It's been a few weeks of frequent asteroid flybys and another one is set to pass Earth closely. NASA has warned that a 40 feet asteroid named Asteroid 2022 QP4 is headed for Earth and will just miss the planet by a few million kilometers. August has been a month full of asteroids buzzing the planet at close quarters.Asteroid 2022 QP4 to just miss Earth on August 26NASA has warned that Asteroid 2022 QP4 is heading for Earth, but will whizz past the planet at 21:45 UTC time tomorrow, August 26. The asteroid is travelling ...
NASA’s DART Mission collision with asteroid set for Sept! Watch it LIVE, know how, when and where

NASA’s DART Mission collision with asteroid set for Sept! Watch it LIVE, know how, when and where

[ad_1] NASA’s DART Mission is set to collide with its target asteroid on September 26 this year. Here’s what we know so far. You can watch the NASA DART mission live. What if an asteroid is headed for Earth? What would happen if any of the stray asteroids in the solar system hit Earth? Could we save ourselves from total annihilation? If such questions have crossed your mind, then your questions could get answered soon, thanks to NASA's DART Mission. The DART mission spacecraft is set to impact its target Dimorphos asteroid on September 26 and you can watch the NASA event live.DART Mission's first planetary defense test is set to take place on August 26 at 7:14 p.m. EDT when the spacecraft will impact the target asteroid. NASA...
NASA WARNING! Asteroid 2022 QR, clocked at a fiery 31000kmph; it will just miss Earth TODAY

NASA WARNING! Asteroid 2022 QR, clocked at a fiery 31000kmph; it will just miss Earth TODAY

[ad_1] NASA has issued a warning that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 QR will just about miss Earth today as it flies by. Here's what we know about it. Asteroid flybys have been a frequent occurrence these past few weeks with over 35 asteroids just missing Earth by a close distance. People who are interested in astronomy can take out their telescopes to watch these celestial bodies fly past Earth. However, these asteroids can potentially cause destruction if they impact with Earth. NASA has now issued another asteroid warning. A 42-foot asteroid named Asteroid 2022 QR will make its closest approach to Earth today, August 24.Asteroid 2022 QR to get very close to EarthAccording to NASA, Asteroid 2022 QR will fly closely past Ea...
BEWARE! A 100-foot wide Killer asteroid is heading towards the Earth, says NASA

BEWARE! A 100-foot wide Killer asteroid is heading towards the Earth, says NASA

[ad_1] 2022 QP3, a 100-foot wide asteroid, is going to make its closest approach to the Earth on August 28, according to NASA and can pose a horrific threat to us. What is the likelihood of a strike? Find out. NASA has just reported an issue of concern. It says that a 100-foot wide asteroid is heading towards the Earth. The massive asteroid is expected to make its closest approach to the Earth on August 28 and there is a slight risk that it might deviate from its path and move towards our planet due to the Earth's gravitational pull. At its size, if the asteroid did strike the planet, it could cause a terrible disaster. Not only would it flatten tens of kilometers of land, the shockwaves will cause damage hundreds of kilomete...