Tag: weight loss

Your Weight Loss Companion: 5 Yummy Khichdi Recipes To Try

Your Weight Loss Companion: 5 Yummy Khichdi Recipes To Try

[ad_1] Losing weight is a challenging journey that requires dedication and compromises. Among the sacrifices, our diet takes the spotlight. While salads and boiled veggies are healthy, they might not satisfy our taste buds, leading to frequent indulgence in 'cheat meals.' However, weight-loss food doesn't have to be bland. There are many tasty dishes that can be added to your diet without compromising on taste. Khichdi, for example, is an extremely flavorful and comforting option, perfect for a weight-loss journey. Here are some delicious khichdi recipes that you should definitely try.Is Khichdi Good For Weight Loss?Khichdi is an excellent addition to a weight-loss diet due to its fibre and complex carbohydrate content, promoting a feeling of fullness and preventing untimely hunger pangs...
The Hidden Truth: Why Counting Calories Won’t Lead to A Healthier You

The Hidden Truth: Why Counting Calories Won’t Lead to A Healthier You

[ad_1] In the quest for a healthier lifestyle and desired weight, the ubiquitous practice of counting calories has long been considered the gold standard. From meticulously tracking every morsel to diligently weighing portions, we've been conditioned to believe that reducing our calorie intake is the key to shedding those unwanted kilos. However, it is important to understand that our bodies are not mere calorie-burning machines; they are intricate systems that rely on a variety of hormones for optimal functioning.Also Read: How Many Calories Hide In Your Cup Of Tea? Here's The Calorie Count For Each Tempting TypeHere are five reasons why counting calories doesn't work:1. Metabolic adaptation:Calories mean energy and metabolic adaptation is the way the body responds to changes in calorie...
Man Uses ChatGPT To Generate Diet And Fitness Plan, Loses 11Kgs In 3 Months

Man Uses ChatGPT To Generate Diet And Fitness Plan, Loses 11Kgs In 3 Months

[ad_1] The power and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) never cease to amaze us. We have seen how AI software is being effectively applied in all walks of life. Many people are turning to AI for practical advice and trying to implement these suggestions in their daily lives. Greg Mushen, a man who tried out the ChatGPT AI tool, revealed that he used it to build a fitness and diet plan for himself. The plan gradually accelerated and yielded results, leading Mushen to lose 11 kilograms in just three months.It is not suggested that we follow the AI-suggested advice blindly, as it may or may not be effective for our weight loss goals. However, it seems the fitness advice given by AI software proved useful in one man's journey towards weight loss! Greg Mushen hated the idea of running ...
Lose Weight, Love Your Mornings: Wake Up To The Irresistible Makhana Smoothie

Lose Weight, Love Your Mornings: Wake Up To The Irresistible Makhana Smoothie

[ad_1] Smoothies are a popular choice for a healthy and fulfilling breakfast. While bananas, oats, and other common ingredients often make their way into our blenders, we tend to overlook the potential of makhana, also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds. In this article, we'll explore how makhana can be transformed into a creamy and nutritious smoothie that aids in weight loss. Say goodbye to mundane breakfast routines and embrace the revitalizing flavours of the makhana smoothie!Are Breakfast Smoothies a Good Idea?Smoothies can be a nourishing morning meal if made with the right ingredients and proportions. They are quick, easy to make, and can even be part of a weight loss diet when healthy ingredients and natural sweeteners are used. This makhana smoothie incorporates nutrient-rich food...
Dinner Mistakes That Are Making You Gain Weight. It’s Time To Stop

Dinner Mistakes That Are Making You Gain Weight. It’s Time To Stop

[ad_1] Weight loss is no easy task. It requires careful consideration of various factors such as your diet, lifestyle, and sleep patterns. While much has been said about the importance of a healthy breakfast for weight loss, dinner practices are often overlooked. Have you ever wondered what you should eat or avoid for dinner, what time is ideal, or how much you should consume? These questions are crucial for achieving sustainable weight loss. We found out some common mistakes people make during dinner that can lead to weight gain. We will also tell you how to avoid them. Also Read: Want To Boost Metabolism? Here Are 7 Quick And Easy Diet Tips To FollowHere're 7 Common Dinner Mistakes That Lead To Weight Gain 1. Do you eat heavy dinner? When it comes to dinner, it is advisable to keep it ...
Want To Lose Weight? Try This Delicious No-Oil Chicken Masala Recipe For Dinner

Want To Lose Weight? Try This Delicious No-Oil Chicken Masala Recipe For Dinner

[ad_1] When trying to lose weight, deciding what type of food to eat for each meal becomes quite challenging, especially for dinner. Being the last meal of the day, most of us wish to indulge in something flavourful and delicious. However, it's also important to be mindful of your portion sizes and the nutrient quotient of the food, as dinner should also be the lightest meal of the day. Health experts recommend eating less as the day progresses, as our metabolism slows, which can lead to weight gain. So, how do we strike a balance between health and taste? Now, this does not mean that you have to deprive yourself of indulging in your favourite dishes. But what you can do to make them healthier is tweak the ingredients so that you can enjoy them guilt-free. Today, we bring you a chicken m...
Lose Weight This Summer With The Right Breakfast: Nutritionist Suggests 6 Best Indian Meals

Lose Weight This Summer With The Right Breakfast: Nutritionist Suggests 6 Best Indian Meals

[ad_1] Breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. A wholesome meal will keep you active and satiated. Even for weight loss, a healthy and filling breakfast prevents untimely snacking and overeating while nourishing your body with essential nutrients. Summer is the perfect time to embrace fresh, light, and nutritious breakfast options that can help you shed those extra pounds. The good thing about the breakfast menu is that there is a host of options to choose from. But we want flavorful and comforting dishes that are also healthy at the same time. To help you frame your weight loss diet, nutritionist Dr Rashim Malhotra suggested six perfect meals to indulge in during the mornings.Also Read: 5 Weight Loss Diet Tips For Summer To Keep In MindStart your day on a healthy note with thes...
Want To Lose Weight? Try This Delicious No-Oil Chicken Masala Recipe For Dinner

Want To Lose Weight? Try This Delicious No-Oil Chicken Masala Recipe For Dinner

[ad_1] When trying to lose weight, deciding what type of food to eat for each meal becomes quite challenging, especially for dinner. Being the last meal of the day, most of us wish to indulge in something flavourful and delicious. However, it's also important to be mindful of your portion sizes and the nutrient quotient of the food, as dinner should also be the lightest meal of the day. Health experts recommend eating less as the day progresses, as our metabolism slows, which can lead to weight gain. So, how do we strike a balance between health and taste? Now, this does not mean that you have to deprive yourself of indulging in your favourite dishes. But what you can do to make them healthier is tweak the ingredients so that you can enjoy them guilt-free. Today, we bring you a chicken m...
Lose Weight Faster – Just Have This Natural Tea Every Day (Recipe Inside)

Lose Weight Faster – Just Have This Natural Tea Every Day (Recipe Inside)

[ad_1] Peppermint tea has gained popularity as a refreshing and aromatic beverage with numerous health benefits. Its calming properties can help alleviate mental pressure, leaving you feeling rejuvenated. Beyond its soothing effect on upset stomachs and its ability to enhance the taste and aroma of drinks, peppermint holds surprising weight loss properties. There are various ways to include peppermint in your meals, such as making chutney or raita, or lemonade, but making tea with it is the perfect way to replace regular tea and coffee and improve your health. This stress-relieving drink offers numerous advantages without any side effects.Also read: Weight Loss: The Best And Worst Foods For Stubborn Belly FatWhat is peppermint tea good for?You may already be familiar with the delightful ...
Weight Loss Diet: 5 No-Oil Vegetarian Recipes That Are Delicious And Healthy

Weight Loss Diet: 5 No-Oil Vegetarian Recipes That Are Delicious And Healthy

[ad_1] There's no denying the fact that losing weight requires a lot of discipline and hard work. One has to make a conscious effort to inculcate some sort of physical activity in their daily routine and, most importantly, focus on the type of food they consume. As Indians, it becomes all the more difficult to follow a healthy diet as most of our dishes are cooked in oil. While we can certainly avoid dishes with high-fat content, it's not possible to omit them from our diet completely. After all, there are times when we do feel like addressing our deepest foodie cravings as well, right? In this article, we're going to share with you some mouth-watering vegetarian recipes that are made using no oil at all. They taste just as good as their regular versions and will make an excellent additi...