Tag: weight loss

7 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss

7 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss

[ad_1] When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, the journey often begins with the simplest changes in our daily habits. Calories is the buzzword in the world of weight loss and everyone seems to be scared of it. Did you know that what we see as calories is not the whole picture? We consider only the calories that we get from food. What about the ones that we get from beverages? Intrigued? Well, these are called liquid calories and excess of these are bad for weight loss. While we focus on avoiding fried and junk food, what frequently goes overlooked is our liquid intake. Those seemingly harmless beverages can sneak in extra calories and hinder our weight loss efforts. Fear not, for we've gathered some easy tips to help you keep those liquid calories at bay and make strides toward yo...
Are Potatoes Good Or Bad For Weight Loss? Dietitian Debunks Myths

Are Potatoes Good Or Bad For Weight Loss? Dietitian Debunks Myths

[ad_1] This topic has sparked a considerable amount of confusion: the relationship between potatoes and their impact on weight loss. Undoubtedly, we all concur that potatoes possess incredible versatility and can be prepared in innumerable ways, each offering a distinctive taste and texture. From crispy French fries to velvety jeera aloo and other sabzis, potatoes provide comfort to our plates. However, do they also contribute to unwanted inches around our waistlines? Do these cherished spuds genuinely aid in weight loss, or should they be relegated to the "to avoid" list? Let's slice through the noise and delve into the crux of the matter.Also Read: 6 Surprising Potato Juice Benefits And Uses For Skin And HealthAre Potatoes Detrimental to Weight Loss?Dietitian Akanksha J. Sharda aids us...
Does Rice Or Roti For Dinner Make You Fat? Expert Reveals The Truth

Does Rice Or Roti For Dinner Make You Fat? Expert Reveals The Truth

[ad_1] Weight loss is inarguably the most searched topic on the internet, and numerous opinions abound regarding the role of carbohydrate elimination in expediting this process. This phenomenon often leads individuals to forgo rice and roti, especially during dinner, in hopes of sidestepping excess fat accumulation. However, the question persists: Do these quintessential Indian staples genuinely contribute to weight gain? Is it sustainable to entirely eschew rice and roti? This enduring quandary within the realm of health and nutrition has left us ensnared in a web of confusion, oscillating between fact and fiction. But the era of uncertainty ends now. Determined to discern the truth and quash this misconception once and for all, we embarked on an investigation. In this pursuit, we stumb...
Does Ghee Help You Gain Or Lose Weight? Find Out The Truth

Does Ghee Help You Gain Or Lose Weight? Find Out The Truth

[ad_1] Indian households cannot imagine their kitchens without the aromatic presence of ghee. Whether it's enhancing the flavour of dishes or serving as a medicinal remedy, ghee holds a special place in Indian culinary culture. Unfortunately, despite its rich reputation, ghee is mostly avoided for fear of weight gain. Owing to the presence of saturated fats, ghee has been shunned by weight-watchers for a long time, which many health experts advise against. In fact, they state the opposite - ghee helps you lose, not gain weight. But what is the truth?Also Read: Here's Why Ghee Is An Amazing Skin Care IngredientIs It Okay To Eat Ghee During Weight Loss? Does Ghee Burn Belly Fat? We are happy to share the good news with you. Ghee, in fact, is good for your health and for your weight loss go...
5 Protein-Packed Moong Dal Recipes To Fuel Your Weight Loss Diet

5 Protein-Packed Moong Dal Recipes To Fuel Your Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] A good diet and weight loss go hand in hand. There's no way you can possibly lose weight if you do not include nutrient-rich foods in your diet. Speaking of nutrients, protein is the most essential nutrient during weight loss and is something you definitely cannot compromise on. It helps us stay full and prevents the urge to binge on unhealthy snacks. While meats are the top source of protein for non-vegetarians, dals have become a go-to option for vegetarians. Moong dal is one such dal that is quite commonly used in Indian households and is ideal to add to your weight loss diet. Speaking of its health benefits, health practitioner and nutritionist Shilpa Arora says, "Moong dal is light and high in protein. The high amount of fibre present in the dal keeps you satiated for long. T...
Oats Vs Muesli – Which Is Better For Weight Loss? Nutritionist Reveals

Oats Vs Muesli – Which Is Better For Weight Loss? Nutritionist Reveals

[ad_1] Foods categorised as weight-loss friendly never fail to catch our attention. And there is no shortage of such foods in the market. Among the vast variety, oats and muesli are two of the most popular choices among weight-watchers. They are considered quite nutritious and are commonly eaten for breakfast. However, while shopping, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're unable to decide which of these packets to put in your cart? As both oats and muesli are touted to be healthy, it can get a bit confusing to know which one will be the most beneficial. To solve this dilemma for you, we decided to get expert advice from our consultant nutritionist, Rupali Datta. But first, let's understand the differences that exist between oats and muesli.Also Read: Overnight Soaked O...
Exercising But Not Losing Weight? Here’s The Culprit To Be Blamed

Exercising But Not Losing Weight? Here’s The Culprit To Be Blamed

[ad_1] We all have tried losing weight at some point in life and followed various tips available on the internet. But trust us, it's not as easy as it seems. In fact, sustainable weight loss can be quite a tricky affair that needs proper routine curated by experts. You would often find people complaining of not losing even an inch after following hard-core workout sessions. Some even complain of weight gain post gyming! The situation can be quite frustrating, right? But don't waste your time cribbing over it; instead, look for the loopholes and fix them immediately. In this article, we bring your attention to some of the probable reasons for you to not lose weight, even while on a regime.Also Read: Unveiling The Potential Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting In DiabetesPhoto Credit: i...
Losing Hair While On A Diet? Here’s Where You Could Be Going Wrong

Losing Hair While On A Diet? Here’s Where You Could Be Going Wrong

[ad_1] The weight loss journey is not as easy as it seems. It needs time, patience, and dedication to bid adieu to stubborn love handles. Alongside, the process also comes with some side effects - one such being excessive hair loss. If you are on a weight loss diet, then you must have already noticed the thinning of your hair. Believe it or not, it has a lot to do with the food you are eating. A typical weight loss diet includes foods that are low in carbs and calories, and that's where you might be going wrong. Let's elucidate further.Weight Loss And Hair Fall: What Is The Major Reason For Hair Loss While On A Diet:- Lack of nutrients:Our body needs adequate protein and calories to nourish the hair follicles to stay healthy, but while restricting food intake, we often end up lacking nut...
6 Drinks That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat

6 Drinks That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat

[ad_1] Weight Loss Diet: To gain pounds around the belly is easy but to lose them can be a nightmare and even more challenging than what you think. Therefore, it is important to know and understand that losing belly fat is a gradual process that requires the right combination of workout and diet. It cannot be achieved overnight, but it is certainly possible to shed all that belly fat that is making you doubt yourself with the simplest of lifestyle changes. Of course, a well-balanced diet and fiber rich foods are what you need, but you must not forget the importance of some beverages that can boost your metabolism, fight belly fat and help you attain your weight loss goals. These drinks do not work as some kind of magic potion that would shed all your kilos in a matter of days, but when c...
Is Mint Good For Weight Loss? Fact Or Fiction? Let’s Find Out!

Is Mint Good For Weight Loss? Fact Or Fiction? Let’s Find Out!

[ad_1] Don't you love that refreshing, zingy burst of flavour that comes with a sprinkle of mint? It's truly magical, isn't it? Cocktail, lemonade, salad and raita, add mint to anything and they will taste better. But mint is more than just a culinary herb; it has been cherished for centuries due to its incredible medicinal properties too. Mint leaves or pudina, as we call it in India, is a kitchen essential that not only lifts up our food but also improves our health. And one of the most notable benefits of having mint leaves is weight loss.  Also Read: Coriander Leaves Water - A Natural Solution for Effective Weight LossIs Pudina Good For Weight Loss? Here's How Mint Leaves Can Help You Lose Weight: 1. It's A Digestive Wonder:  Mint can work wonders for your digestive system. According...