Tag: weight loss

Still Struggling To Lose Belly Fat? Ditch These Foods First!

Still Struggling To Lose Belly Fat? Ditch These Foods First!

[ad_1] Losing weight, especially around your belly, feels like a slow battle. It takes putting in a lot of effort into target workouts to finally see it going but that too at a snail's pace. Who has that much time and patience? The key to shedding those extra kilos from your midsection lies in your diet. It's common knowledge that we should start following a healthy diet but a healthy diet starts by eliminating all those foods that make the problem worse. Overhaul your diet, ditch those foods that prevent you from losing your belly fat and kick-start your journey towards a flatter tummy.By swapping out the unhealthy options for proteins, vegetables, and whole grains, you can kick-start your journey towards a flatter tummy.Also Read: Does Drinking Green Tea Help You Get a Flat Tummy?Why B...
Weight Loss With PCOS Is Possible! Check These 7 Expert Tips For Success

Weight Loss With PCOS Is Possible! Check These 7 Expert Tips For Success

[ad_1] Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that many women have to deal with. What's worse is that it can lead to weight gain, which is also very difficult to lose because of the hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS. But don't lose hope! With the right strategies and diet plan, you can still achieve your weight loss goals while dealing with PCOS. To help us out, dietitian Tallene Hacatoryan suggested some easy tips for PCOS weight loss on her Instagram page 'pcos.weightloss'.Also Read: 5 Superfoods To Add To A PCOS DietWhy is Weight Loss Difficult with PCOS? Before we dive into the tips, let's understand why PCOS makes weight loss challenging: 1. Insulin Resistance:  Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance, which means their bodies have trouble using insulin pr...
Love Poha? Here’s How To Have It On Weight Loss Diet

Love Poha? Here’s How To Have It On Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] Poha - This humble Indian dish is a regular in almost every kitchen. Light, easy to make and delicious - poha is all we want in a good meal. But those on a weight loss diet, often void having poha as it is made from rice, actually flattened rice. The fear of carbs intake pushes poha back on our weight loss diet menu, even tough we keep craving for it. If you relate to this, we have some good news for you, Poha, after all, is not bad for weight loss! If you don't believe us, let's hear it out from experts.Also Read: Kanda Poha, Tari Poha And More: 5 Maharashtrian Poha Recipes You Don't Want To MissClinical & Lifestyle Nutritionist Tripti Tandon said in one of her Instagram posts, "Poha - have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner; it's fantastic for any meal. It is lighter on the t...
Homemade Protein Powder Recipe With Natural Ingredients For Weight Loss (Recipe Inside)

Homemade Protein Powder Recipe With Natural Ingredients For Weight Loss (Recipe Inside)

[ad_1] Do you loathe the taste of milk and can have it only if it's flavoured with other ingredients? We often end up adding store-bought protein powders that do lend their nutritional value but also add artificial flavouring agents and preservatives. Protein powder, in general, is a great addition to our diet since protein is essential for various functions of the body. Be it weight loss, bone health, immunity or for boosting energy and metabolism, protein works in multiple ways to care for our health.  If you want to increase your protein intake to level up your weight loss diet, why not go for healthier homemade protein powder? We found a video by nutritionist, Avanti Deshpande, on her YouTube channel that lets us make two kinds of protein powders with almost the same ingredients. You...
Struggling With Upper Belly Fat? 10 Pointers To Lose Weight And Tackle The Bulge

Struggling With Upper Belly Fat? 10 Pointers To Lose Weight And Tackle The Bulge

[ad_1] Weight Loss: Upper belly fat is a common problem for many of us. It refers to the accumulation of visceral fat around the organs in your upper abdomen, which results in an increased waist size. If you have more fat around your upper belly and waist than you would like, then just counting calories may not be entirely sufficient. While a healthy diet and regular exercise plan may help manage your weight and reduce belly fat, the last few inches of upper belly fat are far more complicated to get rid of. It takes a calculated, and consistent, plan to shed the last few inches around the upper belly. The causes of upper belly fat, or upper abdominal fat, are in most cases related to our lifestyle choices. For some, the reasons could be based on genetics or even hormonal fluctuations. On...
Think Digestive Biscuits Are Healthy? Think Again! Nutritionist Spills The Tea

Think Digestive Biscuits Are Healthy? Think Again! Nutritionist Spills The Tea

[ad_1] Losing weight is no one-day job, and we have all tried shedding kilos at some point in life. Over time, we opt for various hacks, tweak our diet regime, and work out rigorously. Another thing many of us adapt is to follow a certain trend. If you scroll through the internet, you will come across various trends on how to lose weight quickly. One such claim is by replacing your regular biscuits with digestive ones. We bet you all have bought these biscuits while working towards your weight loss goals. But have you ever double-checked the claims made by these biscuit brands? Nutritionist Richa Gangani says digestive biscuits are a "scam." You read that right!The health expert recently took to Instagram to share a post explaining her statement and also gave away certain healthy alterna...
Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Must Eat Breakfast

Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Must Eat Breakfast

[ad_1] We are often told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet, our busy lives and weight loss goals sometimes lead us to skip it. Now, dietician Rujuta Diwekar has decided to remind us about the importance of breakfast. In her caption, she clearly stated, "Skipping breakfast is never a good idea. It invariably leads to eating a lot later in the day." Diwekar also cleared the myth that skipping breakfast is a shortcut to losing weight or improving health. Her advice is refreshingly straightforward — eat sensibly. In her video, the dietician has addressed three strong reasons why skipping breakfast isn't a good idea.Also Read: 7 Foods You Should Never Have On An Empty StomachHere Are 3 Reasons Why You All Must Eat Breakfast:1. Helps with Weight LossResearch underlines ...
Dhokla For Weight Loss: 5 Recipes To Make Your Diet Fun And Exciting

Dhokla For Weight Loss: 5 Recipes To Make Your Diet Fun And Exciting

[ad_1] How many times have you started a weight-loss diet and found yourself losing motivation in between? We are sure this must be a common recurrence. And we don't blame you for that. There's a common misconception that weight-loss food cannot taste good. We usually associate it with being bland and boring and end up trying recipes that promote the same. But did you know there's a whole variety of foods that can help achieve your fitness goals without compromising on flavour? For desi people like us, this is bliss. Keeping this in mind, we present you with some lip-smacking dhokla recipes that you can incorporate into your weight loss diet.Weight Loss Diet: 5 Healthy And Delicious Dhokla Recipes You Must Try:1. Khaman Dhokla (Our Recommendation)Unlike regular dhokla, the batter of kham...
A Roti That Aids Weight Loss: Make Multigrain Millet Roti Your Health Companion

A Roti That Aids Weight Loss: Make Multigrain Millet Roti Your Health Companion

[ad_1] Embarking on a weight loss journey doesn't mean sacrificing the joy of eating. In fact, it's all about making smart choices that nourish your body while still catering to the whims of your taste buds. We all eat atta roti on a daily basis but replacing it with multigrain roti can make a world of difference to your weight loss journey. Millets like ragi, jowar, bajra, samak and kuttu are renowned for their profound benefits for health. Multigrain millet roti is a nutritional powerhouse that can be your delicious ally on the path to shedding those extra pounds. Know why this wholesome roti is beneficial and can be a game-changer for your weight loss goals.Also Read: Atta, Ragi And More: Use These Grains To Make 4 Popular Varieties Of RotisNutritionist Dr Shikha Singh, on an Instagra...
5 Essential Bedtime Rituals You Must Follow To Boost Your Weight Loss Journey

5 Essential Bedtime Rituals You Must Follow To Boost Your Weight Loss Journey

[ad_1] The journey to weight loss is not an easy one. There are several things that one needs to do in order to see the desired results. Following a healthy diet and exercise routine is something that we're all aware of. But did you know our nighttime rituals can play an equally important role in this journey? If you're not satisfied with your weight loss journey, then this could be a possible reason for it. Our metabolism naturally slows down as the day progresses. And if you practise things that have the opposite impact on it, it will obviously lead to weight gain. So, what are these essential practices that one should follow? Let's take you through them in detail below:Here Are 5 Diet Rituals You Must Follow At Night To Lose Weight:1. Sip On Peppermint TeaIf you have a habit of sippin...