Tag: weight loss

10 Simple Diet Changes That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat Faster

10 Simple Diet Changes That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat Faster

[ad_1] Battling the bulge around the belly is a common goal for many on the journey to a healthier lifestyle. While exercise is crucial, the saying "abs are made in the kitchen" holds true. A journey to shed excess belly fat requires more than just counting calories. It demands a strategic approach to what we eat and when, and it's not as difficult as it may seem. Just by making small changes in your diet and focusing on diet food for fat loss, you can reduce belly fat in no time and also boost metabolism, balance hormones, and create a calorie deficit for effective weight loss.To help us out, dietitian Manpreet Kalra shared dietary changes that will help you lose belly fat easily and quickly. In addition, we listed some more useful expert tips for quick weight loss so that you can stay ...
Oatmeal Diet For Weight Loss: All You Need To Know About This 7-Day Diet

Oatmeal Diet For Weight Loss: All You Need To Know About This 7-Day Diet

[ad_1] Oats Diet for weight loss: Oats Idli5. Oats and Chicken Porridge: A comforting and nutritious dish fit for any meal of the day, oats and chicken porridge is the perfect combination of taste and health.Other Health Benefits of Eating Oatmeal: 1. Protects Heart: According to Dr. Manoj Ahuja, “oats are brimming with antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the dietary fibers in oats are known to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) without affecting the good cholesterol (HDL).” Additionally, oats comprise plant lignans, which are also known to protect against heart disease. Therefore, adding oatmeal to our daily diet may help reduce our cholesterol levels and keep our heart healthy. Also Read: Oats Nutrition: Find Out Why Oats Are Beneficial For Health And How Can You ...
7 Winter Veggie Recipes that Whisper ‘Weight Loss’ and Scream ‘Delicious’

7 Winter Veggie Recipes that Whisper ‘Weight Loss’ and Scream ‘Delicious’

[ad_1] Winter's chill has settled in, and the lure of comfort food can be a challenge for those on a weight loss journey. But worry not, for the season brings forth a variety of vegetables that not only withstand the cold but also support your weight loss goals. Picture this: a crisp carrot, bursting with Vitamin A, or the vibrant green of iron-rich spinach leaves. These winter vegetables are not just essential for a robust immune system but also play a crucial role in keeping your waistline in check. This season, let's redefine winter eating with a focus on weight loss recipes in winter, where each bite is a step closer to your fitness goals.Also Read: 7 Winter Weight Loss Recipes With Sweet Potatoes You Must Try1. Baked Carrot FriesStarting our winter vegetable recipe journey with the ...
5 Desi Ways To Include Methi Seeds In Your Weight Loss Diet

5 Desi Ways To Include Methi Seeds In Your Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] Methi seeds for weight loss: Kitchens in India are just so fascinating. They are equipped with various herbs and spices that work more than just taste enhancers. One such prized ingredient you will find on every spice rack is fenugreek seeds. Commonly referred to as 'methi' in Indian households, the cuboid-shaped, yellow-to-amber coloured fenugreek seeds add a unique and aromatic touch to your recipes. But what gives it an additional edge is the rich nutrient profile. It is loaded with various essential nutrients that benefit our health in many ways, especially if you are planning to have methi seeds for weight loss. In this article, we will explore the versatility of fenugreek seeds in the wellness world and how you can add it to your Indian weight loss diet.Also Read: From Weigh...
6 Eggplant Recipes That Are Low In Calories But Big On Taste – Perfect For Weight Loss Diet

6 Eggplant Recipes That Are Low In Calories But Big On Taste – Perfect For Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] A weight loss diet doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavours or enjoyment in your meals. If you're looking to shed a few pounds, reduce belly fat and still relish delicious dishes, eggplant (also known as aubergine) is here to save the day. Eggplant, with its low-calorie profile and high nutritional value, can be a game-changer in your weight loss diet. It's a versatile ingredient that lends itself to various culinary styles, ensuring you never get bored with your meals. Eggplant offers a palette of flavours that can help you stick to your weight loss goals. Save these low-calorie eggplant recipes that not only taste amazing but can support your path to a healthier you. Also Read: From Italy To India: 5 Mouthwatering Eggplant Dishes You Need To TasteIs Eggplant Good For Weight L...
Is Bulletproof Coffee the New Super Drink for Weight Loss? Pros and Cons You Need to Know

Is Bulletproof Coffee the New Super Drink for Weight Loss? Pros and Cons You Need to Know

[ad_1] Coffee has long been a beloved morning ritual for many, offering a jolt of energy and a delicious wake-up call. Constant innovations and experiments have now shown us a different side of coffee - a better one! Coffee can also help you lose weight. It all depends on how you make and drink your coffee. Black coffee, for instance, has been lauded for its weight loss-friendly properties. And then came the trending bulletproof coffee as another saviour for coffee lovers looking to lose some pounds.  But can your daily cup of joe really assist in shedding those extra pounds? The answer is yes, and here's how it works.Also Read: Coffee And Lemon Juice For Weight Loss: Experts Talk About Latest HackCan Coffee Help in Weight Loss?A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrit...
5 Delicious Winter Saag Recipes Perfect for Your Weight Loss Diet

5 Delicious Winter Saag Recipes Perfect for Your Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] Feeling the winter chill? It's that time of the year when our taste buds crave comforting, soul-warming dishes. But fret not! Your weight loss diet needn't take a back seat. Embrace the winter season with open arms and a carefully curated weight loss diet that includes some delectable saag recipes. Yes, you heard it right! These green wonders not only tantalize your taste buds but can also be your trusted companions in your weight loss journey. So, let's dive into the world of greens and discover how these winter delights can be your perfect allies in shedding those extra pounds.Also Read: 8 Protein-Rich Foods That May Sabotage Your Weight Loss DietWhy Saag is Your Weight Loss Diet CompanionSaag, the quintessential winter delicacy, isn't just a treat for your palate but also a boo...
Just 8 Food Swaps In Your PCOD Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Faster

Just 8 Food Swaps In Your PCOD Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Faster

[ad_1] Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD) is a hormonal disorder that can throw various aspects of your health out of balance. It's often linked to issues like disrupted menstrual cycles, excess facial hair, insulin resistance, fertility problems, and yes, weight gain. Many factors contribute to PCOD, such as genetics, poor lifestyle choices, stress, and environmental factors. A major problem that most women deal with is the stubborn weight. PCOD weight is not easy to lose. However, it can be managed with a continuous exercise regime and a well-thought-out weight-loss diet plan.Also Read: Sick Of Stubborn PCOD Acne? These Expert Diet Tips May Help YouIs PCOD related to weight?A study published in the National Library Of Medicine says, "Polycystic ovary syndrome is an obesity-related condit...
“Lose 5 Kgs In 9 Days Of Navratri Fasting” – Nutritionist Shares 9-Day Weight Loss Diet Plan

“Lose 5 Kgs In 9 Days Of Navratri Fasting” – Nutritionist Shares 9-Day Weight Loss Diet Plan

[ad_1] Sharad Navratri 2023 is not only a time for devout fasting but also a wonderful opportunity to embrace a diet that helps you lose weight. Another reason to plan your weight loss diet for Navratri is to stay healthy. The changing seasons can render our bodies more susceptible to common illnesses, but the Saatvik (pure and fresh) foods traditionally consumed during this time can help strengthen our immunity, detoxify, rejuvenate, and even aid in weight loss. A well-balanced diet chart for Navratri ensures you stay healthy, energised, and well-protected against colds, coughs, and other common ailments. To help us out, nutritionist Shikha Singh shared a diet plan for weight loss that you can easily follow during the Navratri festival. She claimed that one can lose up to 5 kgs in the n...
5 Smart Strategies To Plan A Healthy Food Chart And Lose Weight

5 Smart Strategies To Plan A Healthy Food Chart And Lose Weight

[ad_1] Weight Loss: Planning to shed those extra kilos? Are you searching for a simple and effective healthy food chart to follow? Is the abundance of weight loss advice on the internet leaving you bewildered? Fret not, we've got you covered. Remember, a healthy weight loss journey is a sustainable process that requires time, patience, and unwavering dedication. In fact, the age-old saying "slow and steady wins the race" holds true when it comes to achieving your desired weight goals. Instead of being too hard on yourself, experts recommend maintaining a balanced diet to ensure overall nourishment. But what exactly is a balanced diet? According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta, it is defined as maintaining a healthy food chart that fulfills all the nutritional requirements of your...