Tag: pcos

4 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have PCOS

4 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have PCOS

[ad_1] If you suffer from PCOS, then navigating through dietary and lifestyle changes can be tricky. This condition affects several people who menstruate through their reproductive years and is not uncommon. In fact, as per the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology, the PCOS rate in the country ranges between 3.7 and 22.5 per cent. Some of the common symptoms of PCOS are irregular periods, hirsutism and weight gain. If you are someone who is looking for foods to avoid in this condition, then fret not. Below mentioned are 4 foods that you should avoid consuming if you have PCOS.Also Read: PCOD Problems? Here's An Ultimate Guide To A Deliciously Healthy Day For Working WomenWhat Is PCOS?Polycystic ovary syndrome (or PCOS) is a condition where menstruation can be irregular or sometimes ...
Weight Loss With PCOS Is Possible! Check These 7 Expert Tips For Success

Weight Loss With PCOS Is Possible! Check These 7 Expert Tips For Success

[ad_1] Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that many women have to deal with. What's worse is that it can lead to weight gain, which is also very difficult to lose because of the hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS. But don't lose hope! With the right strategies and diet plan, you can still achieve your weight loss goals while dealing with PCOS. To help us out, dietitian Tallene Hacatoryan suggested some easy tips for PCOS weight loss on her Instagram page 'pcos.weightloss'.Also Read: 5 Superfoods To Add To A PCOS DietWhy is Weight Loss Difficult with PCOS? Before we dive into the tips, let's understand why PCOS makes weight loss challenging: 1. Insulin Resistance:  Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance, which means their bodies have trouble using insulin pr...
PCOS Diet: 5 Herbs And Spices That May Naturally Ease PCOS Symptoms

PCOS Diet: 5 Herbs And Spices That May Naturally Ease PCOS Symptoms

[ad_1] Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal conditions among women. It causes an imbalance of androgens in the body, which is a male sex hormone, leading to several other issues affecting a woman's reproductive health, including the formation of small cysts in the ovaries. According to WHO data, the condition affects an estimated 8-13% of women of reproductive age, and up to 70% of these cases remain undiagnosed. While there is no permanent cure for PCOS, it can be managed by making specific adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. With this in mind, let's delve into certain herbs and spices that may help naturally ease PCOS symptoms. But first, let's understand its symptoms.Also Read: Nutritionist Explains How Fibre, Protein And A Pre-Diabetic Diet May He...
PCOS Diet: 5 Nourishing Drinks That May Help Manage Symptoms Naturally

PCOS Diet: 5 Nourishing Drinks That May Help Manage Symptoms Naturally

[ad_1] Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition in which small cysts develop in the ovaries. This occurs due to an imbalance of androgens in the body, a male sex hormone, which is produced more than usual. As per nutritionist Lovneet Batra, "Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common female endocrinopathy, affecting as many as 15% to 18% of women of reproductive age." It can result in symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth. While many people rely on medication to manage this condition, there are several natural ways to control it as well. And this includes the type of diet that we follow on a regular basis. Keeping this in mind, here we bring you a list of some nourishing drinks that may help manage your PCOS symptoms. ...
Nutritionist Explains How Fibre, Protein And A Pre-Diabetic Diet May Help Manage PCOS

Nutritionist Explains How Fibre, Protein And A Pre-Diabetic Diet May Help Manage PCOS

[ad_1] Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder experienced by women in which cysts get formed in the ovaries, caused by an over-production of hormones called androgens. PCOS may lead to infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods. Moreover, this health condition may also cause excessive hair growth on the face and body or baldness. In the long term, PCOS can contribute to health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Though no cure has been discovered for treating this health condition yet, there are many ways to manage PCOS symptoms. According to Nutritionist Simrun Chopra, practising some form of exercise and making certain dietary changes are two essential steps. Also Read: Busting The Myth: 5 Food Habits That Aren't As Healthy As You Think!Leafy ...
How To Manage PCOD – Dietitian Shared Full-Day Meal Plan For PCOD Diet

How To Manage PCOD – Dietitian Shared Full-Day Meal Plan For PCOD Diet

[ad_1] In recent years, the prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) has surged, affecting countless women across the globe. PCOD is a hormonal disorder that not only disrupts the menstrual cycle but also induces other health problems like weight gain, facial hair, insulin resistance and fertility issues. Many factors can lead to PCOD, including poor lifestyle, genetic disposition, stress and environmental effects. This is a metabolic condition and can be controlled through a good diet. A nutritionist shared some meal ideas for a day of an ideal PCOD diet, and it can be very helpful to plan yours.  Also Read: 7 Healthy Eating Habits For Women With PCOSCan PCOD Be Cured By Diet? We can't say that a healthy diet can cure PCOD but it can positively manage the symptoms and curb other ...
Sip Your Way To Health: How This Detox Tea Can Help Manage PCOS

Sip Your Way To Health: How This Detox Tea Can Help Manage PCOS

[ad_1] Did you know? Around one in ten women all over the world suffer from PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that is characterised by the development of multiple small cysts in the ovaries, leading to hormonal imbalance. It can cause a range of symptoms like weight gain, acne, excessive hair growth on the face, diabetes, and infertility. While many women resort to medication, there are many natural ways to manage the symptoms and keep PCOS under control. And by natural methods, we obviously mean diet.  But first, let's take a look at the causes and symptoms of PCOS.What is the main cause of PCOS?PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a condition whose exact cause remains unknown, although genetics are believed to play a role. Obesity and other factors have...
This Home-Made Mulethi Drink May Help Manage PCOS

This Home-Made Mulethi Drink May Help Manage PCOS

[ad_1] Age-old herbal remedies have withstood the test of time. Today, most of us turn back to our roots in search of natural remedies for common health problems. Mulethi (also called licorice) is one such herb. Mulethi can be beneficial for stomach problems, infections like cold and cough as well as high sugar and blood pressure. But, did you know mulethi plays a pivotal role in the health of women with PCOS?  In PCOS, ovaries produce high levels of androgens, the male sex hormones that are typically present in trace amounts in women. The many little cysts that develop in the ovaries have a medical term called polycystic ovarian syndrome. Androgen levels are elevated in women with PCOS, which may worsen their menstrual cycle issues. While there are a bunch of medical treatments availabl...
PCOS Awareness Month: Expert Shares Tips To Manage PCOS

PCOS Awareness Month: Expert Shares Tips To Manage PCOS

[ad_1] Over the years, the common disorder we all have heard of in women is Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It describes a condition when a woman's ovaries have several tiny cysts. This disorder may also lead to diabetes, infertility, acne, excessive hair growth, and hormonal imbalance. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, less than 25% of women with PCOS receive a diagnosis, making it one of the most under-diagnosed disorders in the world. And 5% - 10% of women of childbearing age suffer from PCOS. Even though this disorder is common in women, it is something that has no specific cure. Many women opt for medicines to try and control the extent of their PCOS. Some women depend solely on weight loss and exercise to reduce its impact. But, did you know that PCOS ...