How To Manage PCOD – Dietitian Shared Full-Day Meal Plan For PCOD Diet


In recent years, the prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) has surged, affecting countless women across the globe. PCOD is a hormonal disorder that not only disrupts the menstrual cycle but also induces other health problems like weight gain, facial hair, insulin resistance and fertility issues. Many factors can lead to PCOD, including poor lifestyle, genetic disposition, stress and environmental effects. This is a metabolic condition and can be controlled through a good diet. A nutritionist shared some meal ideas for a day of an ideal PCOD diet, and it can be very helpful to plan yours.  

Also Read: 7 Healthy Eating Habits For Women With PCOS

Can PCOD Be Cured By Diet? 

We can’t say that a healthy diet can cure PCOD but it can positively manage the symptoms and curb other health problems associated with it. Along with a good exercise routine, a good diet may reverse the condition to some extent. 


Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet
Photo Credit: iStock

Which Food Is Best For PCOD?

Health experts suggest the consumption of whole grains, legumes, unprocessed foods, leafy greens like spinach and broccoli and red-coloured fruits like cherries, red grapes and mulberries. Also healthy fats like ghee and avocado are good for the PCOD diet. It’s also important to cut down on refined grains, sugary foods and unhealthy fats like saturated fats.  

The PCOD diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution, it is usually customised to focus on nourishing the body and regulating the functioning of the hormones. However, nutritionist Tanvee Tutlani suggested a full-day meal plan ideal for a PCOD diet that can give you a fair idea of what kinds of foods you can incorporate into your diet. 

Also Read: Sick Of Stubborn PCOD Acne? These Expert Diet Tips May Help You

avoid sugary foods for weight loss

Avoid sugary foods in your PCOD diet.
Photo Credit: iStock

In a post on her Instagram handle ‘dietsmart_tanveetutlani’, the dietitian shared the meal plan from early morning to dinnertime. Let’s go through it. 

Dietitian’s Full-day Meal Plan For PCOD Diet: 

1. Early Morning Ritual 

Start your morning with a glass full of water soaked overnight with fenugreek seeds (methi dana). Fenugreek seeds are known to regulate blood sugar level and the soluble fibre content of the seeds promote slow absorption of sugar. Click here to see how to make it. 

2. Breakfast 

For a filling breakfast, the dietitian suggests having a quarter plate of poha with veggies or a protein-rich bowl of green gram (moong dal) sprouts. Both meals are loaded with vitamins and minerals for wholesome nutrition. Check our recipe for moong dal sprouts. Pair the meal with a glass of chaach (buttermilk). Make the perfect chaach with this recipe. 

3. Mid-Meal Snack 

There is a long time gap between breakfast and lunch, especially when you are at work. Hold off hunger till lunch with a healthy mid-meal snack of any fruit. But make sure to avoid high-energy fruits like chikoo and mangoes. 

4. Lunch 

If you love South Indian food, this meal plan is just for you. For lunch, you can have one plain dosa with a bowl of sambhar without any guilt. Or you can go for a typical north Indian meal of two multigrain chapattis with a bowl of moong dal and soya curry accompanied by salad

5. Evening Session 

Every evening, our palates crave some caffeine. If it’s the same case with you, you can drink your cup of coffee or tea. But if you can manage to avoid it, it’s better to have coconut water instead. Half a bowl of puffed rice bhelpuri is ideal to go with your evening beverage. Make your own bhelpuri with this recipe

6. Dinner 

For dinner, it’s a good idea to go light and carb-free but fill your stomach with protein. Have sauteed vegetables with paneer or tofu. Or make a meal of chicken breast and sauteed vegetables. You’ll get your dose of various nutrients in one meal. Check out our chicken breast recipes

Manage PCOD in the best way – with a good diet. This expert diet plan should help you.  


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