Tag: lovneet batra

5 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Deal With Midnight Cravings

5 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Deal With Midnight Cravings

[ad_1] Food cravings can occur at any time of the day. But for most of us, it is during the night that our heart calls for some delicious food. Once the dinner is done, you grab your phone and all those videos of scrumptious chole bhature and chocolate fountain trigger your cravings. The most common response to this is sneaking into the kitchen and gorging on the leftover pasta or munching delectable chocolates. These options are definitely flavoursome and satiate our midnight cravings successfully but they are not really healthy. So, if you don't want to let your midnight cravings hamper your fitness journey then nutritionist Lovneet Batra shares some healthy late-night snacks.In an Instagram post, the nutritionist explains the reasons behind the sudden urge to eat at night and what we ...
Have You Been Overeating Lately? 8 Genius Tips To Avoid Eating Too Much

Have You Been Overeating Lately? 8 Genius Tips To Avoid Eating Too Much

[ad_1] If overeating is an offence, then we would all be guilty as charged! Be it our habit or stress or simply the taste of the food, chances are, we all have overeaten at some point. Sometimes, eating too much is just a classic instance of 'eyes growing bigger than your stomach'. This majorly happens after seeing a spread of yummy delicacies at a buffet. We start with the appetiser, then move on to the main course, and by the time we get to the dessert section, we are more than full but still eat it. Totally relatable, right? But have you ever wondered, how much is too much eating? And if you are overeating, how to cut back on food? Fret not, as always, we have got your back.We found some expert tips that will help you control the portion size of your meal. These genius hacks are share...
5 Reasons Why Snacking Between Meals Is Good For You

5 Reasons Why Snacking Between Meals Is Good For You

[ad_1] Many of us tend to feel hungry in between meals. While some try to control their cravings, others opt to quickly snack on something small. There are many myths surrounding the practice of snacking. Note that this does not just mean eating a snack item. Snacking refers to the consumption of food during a time apart from your regular meals. Some people believe that snacking is inherently unhealthy. This may be because they automatically associate snacking with processed foods. But the truth is, snacking can actually be good for you, provided you do it right and choose the correct foods. Celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra recently posted about the same on her Instagram page. She cited 5 ways in which snacking can improve your health. Check them out below.Also Read: This Traditional...
Have Digestive Issues? Try This Special Kanji Recipe Recommended By A Nutritionist

Have Digestive Issues? Try This Special Kanji Recipe Recommended By A Nutritionist

[ad_1] Digestive health plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. When we suffer from gut issues, our system is weakened and our ability to absorb nutrients can get compromised. This is why it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring healthy digestion. There are many steps we can take for the same. Choosing the right veggies and fruits, eating them at the right time, and cutting out processed foods - all of this contributes to our digestive health. You may also have heard about several drinks and concoctions that can help in this regard. One such example is kanji, a probiotic drink that you can easily make yourself. Check out the recipe below.Also Read: Say Goodbye to Indigestion: Make Your Own Hing Ajwain Water For A Happy TummyHow To Make Kanji At Home? Digestion-Friendly Kanji ...
What Are The Best Snacks To Eat After A Workout Session – Expert Reveals

What Are The Best Snacks To Eat After A Workout Session – Expert Reveals

[ad_1] Let's admit, most of us people struggle to gather the motivation to hit the gym. However, there are some people who are quite regular and follow a proper fitness routine. But have you ever wondered what motivates them to follow their routine? The food that we eat before and after a workout session can have a huge impact on our workout performance, thus motivating us to do better. While we are all familiar with various pre-workout meals that help provide energy to our body, are you aware of the post-workout meals that you should eat? Recently, nutritionist Lovneet Batra took to Instagram to share some healthy snacks that one can indulge in after a rigorous workout session. These snacks help our body recover after a workout session. Also read: Fitness Diet: What To Eat Before, Durin...
Have A Seasonal Flu? 6 Nutritionist-Approved Foods That May Help

Have A Seasonal Flu? 6 Nutritionist-Approved Foods That May Help

[ad_1] Every season comes with its own set of challenges. Take the ongoing spring season for instance. Besides the benefit of having longer days and flowers blooming all around, this season also brings along several diseases that often become concerning for all. Spring season is a time of transition between the winter and summer seasons. Since our body takes time to adjust to changes in weather, we are more likely to fall sick and face health issues such as the common cold, cough and flu. That is why experts often recommend tweaking our daily diet in order to keep seasonal infections at bay. It is essential that we eat the correct foods in order to stay healthy during the season change. Considering this, nutritionist Lovneet Batra has shared some foods that you can include in your diet t...
Dos And Don’ts To Prevent Iron-Deficiency Anaemia – Nutritionist Explains

Dos And Don’ts To Prevent Iron-Deficiency Anaemia – Nutritionist Explains

[ad_1] Iron is dubbed to be an essential component in our body. It helps promote blood production, respiration and proper functioning of the body. Deficiency of iron may lead to several health issues including anemia. As per the World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics states, this condition is found in approximately 33% of non-pregnant women, 40% of pregnant women, and 42% of children worldwide. “Iron-deficiency anaemia is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world, and in India, it affects more than 600 million people,” states Nutritionist Lovneet Batra. Therefore, it is vital for people, especially women, to increase their daily iron intake.Also Read: 5 Foods & Tips That WHO Recommends To Prevent Iron DeficiencyHowever, the amount of iron you consume in a d...
How To Retain Nutrients In Your Food? Expert Shares 6 Easy Tips

How To Retain Nutrients In Your Food? Expert Shares 6 Easy Tips

[ad_1] It is rightly said that 'we are what we eat'. Our everyday meal plays a major role in building overall health. Hence, elders and health experts time and again stress including healthy vegetables, dairy products, nuts, seeds and more in our daily diet. The importance of these healthy food ingredients is not unknown to the world. But did you, your cooking technique has a major role to play as well? The way you cook your food affects the amount of nutrients your meal will contain. Let us explain it to you. While we cook a dish, the natural forms of various ingredients get processed for our consumption. This can have a significant impact on the amount of nutrients that are retained in the food. Different cooking methods can either increase or decrease the nutritional content of the fo...
Mulethi And Saunf Kadha: An Effective Cold And Cough Remedy Shared By Expert

Mulethi And Saunf Kadha: An Effective Cold And Cough Remedy Shared By Expert

[ad_1] Does your family make you sip on homemade kadha whenever you are sick? Well, this is a common scenario in every Indian household. Seasonal health issues don't spare anyone. These days, every other person you know is dealing with either cold or cough because of the weather conditions. Sometimes, this is also accompanied by flu or fever. During such situations, home remedies come to the rescue. Yes, you can always go to the doctor and take medications but since cold and cough are common, sometimes they can be taken care of at home. Ever heard of mulethi? Do you know this herb plays an important role in helping you deal with seasonal cold and cough? Nutritionist Lovneet Batra shared on her Instagram Stories mentioning a flavourful kadha – mulethi (liquorice) and saunf (fennel seeds) ...
These 5 Herbal Teas May Help You Fight Various Health Issues

These 5 Herbal Teas May Help You Fight Various Health Issues

[ad_1] When the temperature goes down, we all long for something warm and soothing to deal with the chilly winds. A hot cup of tea often comes to our rescue in such scenarios. The aroma of freshly-brewed tea leaves along with cardamom and ginger instantly make us want to sip the hot beverage. While the usual milk tea prepared at home remains an all-time favourite, there's no harm in exploring some other varieties of tea. Herbal tea has been touted as a healthier version of tea that has a number of benefits.Also read: What Is Winter Melon? What Does It Taste Like? Health Benefits Of Winter MelonHerbal tea comes in different varieties with each one of them having a distinct flavour. The medicinal properties in these teas can help you fight several common health issues and improve your over...