Tag: lauki recipes

Lauki-Licious! 5 Creative Ways To Add Lauki To Your Summer Diet

Lauki-Licious! 5 Creative Ways To Add Lauki To Your Summer Diet

[ad_1] Do you make faces seeing lauki on your plate? You are not alone! There are many people who hate the bland taste and watery texture of the vegetable. But you love it or not, lauki holds a constant position in your summer diet. It is packed with essential nutrients that not only cool you down, but also help beat several seasonal problems. If you ask us, we suggest, instead of tossing the vegetable, try to go creative and make it delicious for every day consumption. And we are here to help you with that. We have put together a list of some delicious recipes that include lauki in the most indulgent way possible. Besides, these dishes are good for your gut too. Let's take you through some interesting lauki-based recipes to incorporate in your summer diet.Also Read: 5 Ways To Make A Del...
Diabetes Diet: How To Make Diabetes-Friendly Stuffed Lauki In Just 30 Mins

Diabetes Diet: How To Make Diabetes-Friendly Stuffed Lauki In Just 30 Mins

[ad_1] Diabetes is one of the biggest global health concerns today. As per International Diabetes Federation, 463 million people are affected by diabetes around the world and the number is estimated to rise up to 153 million by 2045. This chronic disease is characterised by elevated levels of blood sugar in our body and has no permanent cure. Which is why it is crucial to find ways to control it. Experts recommend having a healthy and active lifestyle along with a nutrient-rich diet as it helps in managing blood sugar. Fortunately, there is a wide range of foods that one can include in a diabetes diet - lauki (bottle gourd) being one of them. Also read: 5 Ways To Make A Delicious Lunch With The Nutritious LaukiLauki is considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables for people who are ...
Easy Lunch Recipe: These Yummy Lauki Koftas Will Be Ready In No Time

Easy Lunch Recipe: These Yummy Lauki Koftas Will Be Ready In No Time

[ad_1] When we say lauki, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Probably it's a green-coloured, bland vegetable that people only eat for weight loss. Well, unfortunately, that is the image of lauki. However, we have something that will change your mind! Lauki may be boring to many of you, but trust us, there are ample ways with which you can make this vegetable interesting. Take for instance, lauki kofta sabzi! Lauki kofta is fried and cooked in a pool of spices and tangy tomato gravy. This recipe is quick and easy and is best for the days when you are lazy to cook a feast at home. You can even pack this in your lunch boxes and take it wherever you travel! It makes for a fulfilling meal.(Also Read: Watch: Make This Masaledaar Gobi Kofta Curry For A Mid-Week Indulgence)In this ...