Tag: Helios

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day March 12, 2023: Saturn’s Hyperion- Moon with Odd Craters

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day March 12, 2023: Saturn’s Hyperion- Moon with Odd Craters

[ad_1] Do you know how many moons Saturn has? The planet has a total of 83 moons, out of which 63 moons are confirmed and named. While, the other 20 moons are awaiting confirmation of discovery and official naming by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), according to NASA. Today's NASA astronomy picture of the day is about one of Saturn's moons named Hyperion. It is the largest of Saturn's irregular, non-spherical moons, and has odd craters.Captioning the image of the day titled 'Saturn's Hyperion: A Moon with Odd Craters,' NASA stated, What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters? To help find out, the robot Cassini spacecraft that once orbited Saturn swooped past the sponge-textured moon and took images of unprecedented detail. A six-image mosaic from the 2005 pass, fe...
Jeff Bezos Space Station Orbital Reef Will Be Featured in New Sci-Fi Movie

Jeff Bezos Space Station Orbital Reef Will Be Featured in New Sci-Fi Movie

[ad_1] ‘Helios’ tells the story of a space storm, starts shooting next year. Jeff Bezos' space company Blue Origin, along with partner Sierra Space, have struck a deal with Centerboro Productions to feature its Orbital Reef space station in the upcoming feature film, “Helios.” Set in 2030, the movie will tell the story of a spaceship crew on a mission to save the International Space Station after it's been damaged by a solar flare. The goal is to give fans a realistic depiction of the future of living and working in space, and coordinating a response to a space weather emergency, the companies said in a press release Tuesday. “Helios” will begin shooting next year. Orbital Reef, which is still in the design phase, isn't ...