Swear By Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar’s Festive Guide To Stay Healthy


The festival season is our favourite. After all, we all get to gorge on scrumptious and tempting meals. But this doesn’t change the fact that they are unhealthy. Consuming loads of sweet and fried food can lead to weight gain and bloating. So, how to enjoy the festival keeping our health in check? Don’t worry, Rujuta Diwekar is at your rescue. The celebrity nutritionist, in one of her audiobooks, has prepared a comprehensive guide called ‘Eating in the Age of Dieting’ to enjoy the holiday season in moderation.

Here Are 5 Tips To Eat In Moderation By Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar: 

1. Sustainable and Familiar 

Busting myths around Diwali feasting, Rujuta Diwekar says that if eating a regular Diwali meal is breaking your diet plan, then your weight loss plan is going to fail this time too. These unrealistic guides, as per the nutritionist, are not a culture fit, instead, “they focus on the guilt around occasion-based feasting and take advantage of the same to sell detox plans or packages that are often extreme and doomed to fail.” The objective should always be following a wholesome diet as it teaches you to eat without guilt. FYI: There is nothing wrong with enjoying your pooris or halwa. 


Halwa is a delicious recipe that can be consumed in moderation.

2. Mithai Is Not Your Enemy

Mithai has been labeled as unhealthy but the reality is a bit different. The nutritionist shares that ghee, which is one of the biggest components of most mithai, helps in keeping the intestines in good shape. In addition, it also keeps it ready to take on a load of overeating during Diwali. “It is an essential fat and helps assimilate fat-soluble vitamins like A D E, and K while protecting bones, skin and immune function as the season changes,” she adds. What gives a sweet flavour to your mithai is either sugar or jaggery. When they are mixed with nuts, ghee, besen, atta, gond or suji, the experience is therapeutic. 

3. Plan Your Diwali Menu 

Keep your Diwali menu simple. The spread can include homemade mithai, one freshly fried item, sabzi, dal, some bread and rice accompanied with chutney, pickle or papad. In her audiobook, Rujuta Diwekar urges her to have a more authentic celebration. 

(Also Read: Diwali 2022: Veg Diwali Party Menu With Step-By-Step Recipes)


Diwali is not an excuse to binge on calorie-heavy foods. Photo: iStock

4. Dry fruits and Seeds Are Your Best Friend 

Dry fruits are good for health as they are an amazing source of amino acids, minerals and phytonutrients. To yield the best benefits, eat them first thing in the morning as a snack or turn them into a mithai. “It is a myth that cashew nuts are full of cholesterol. It has zero cholesterol and actually helps regulate it,” Rujuta adds. 

5. Don’t Skip Surya Namaskar 

We tend to skip our workout and exercise routine during festivities. Instead of rushing to the gym and lifting heavy weights, bring it down a notch if staying awake late. The nutritionist suggests “five rounds of Surya Namaskar.”

Here’s wishing you a happy and healthy Diwali! 


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