SCARY! Man loses Rs. 1 crore after phone hacked! Know what happened


In a shocking incident, a businessman was scammed of nearly R. 1 crore. Don’t let it happen to you, know how to stop hackers.

Online scams have been on the rise for a while now. From regular people to celebrities, a huge number of people have been trapped by hackers in some scary cyber crimes. Recently, actress Aman Sandhu fell prey to such hackers. And now, shockingly, a businessman based out of Thane, Maharashtra became a target of such scammers. According to reports, the businessman lost Rs. 99.50 lakh after his mobile phone was hacked. You should beware because this can happen to you too. You should know how to keep yourself protected.

The incident took place between November 6-7. Once the hackers gained control of the victim’s smartphone, they transferred funds from his bank account to other accounts through net banking, as per information provided by Wagle Estate police station to PTI.

The dangers of online scams

With the digital ecosystem getting more connected, it has also allowed hackers to prey upon victims and steal their personal information and money. But hackers are not superhumans. They can only access a device if a person does not secure their device. Oftentimes, hackers use phishing techniques where they lure the victim into entering a shady website. When they voluntarily divulge their passwords and usernames, hackers then use these details to steal money. But there are things you can do to protect yourself. Check them below.

How to protect yourself from hackers

  1. Keep your passwords a mix of numbers, alphabets and special characters to make it hard to guess. Randomize these characters for better efficiency and keep it at least 8-12 characters long.
  2. Use two-factor authentication or if possible multi factor authentication to have multiple hurdles before someone can hack into your account. Mobile OTP is a very good way to add layers to your password security.
  3. Change your password regularly so even if your password was compromised, your account can stay safe.
  4. Do not write down your passwords on cheque books, or other bank account books or papers you have. Do not send them on social media like WhatsApp, Facebook etc either.
  5. Never open emails or messages which offer unrealistic things. Even if you open them, never click on a link they ask you to go to.
  6. Always make sure to keep multiple layers of protection on payment apps.
  7. Never provide your account details to strangers on phone calls, or messaging apps. Remember, a bank or any other institute or company, will not ever call to ask for these details.


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