NASA asteroid alert! 134-foot rock sped past Earth today at whopping at 4km per sec


NASA says another asteroid just flew past Earth today. Check mind-boggling stats of this massive 134-foot asteroid.

NASA, with the help of its various space and ground-based telescopes, found a 134-foot asteroid heading dangerously towards Earth. The asteroid passed very close to Earth today. This particular asteroid has sparked worry and concern among space agencies as it was discovered just a week ago on September 21, 2022. The stats of this asteroid are stupefying! Not only is it big, it was spotted hurtling towards the planet at blistering speed. The asteroid was classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid due to the close proximity of its encounter with Earth.

Details about Asteroid 2022 SE6

Asteroid 2022 SE6 is different from other asteroids as it does not belong to the Apollo group of asteroids but the Aten group. The asteroid takes just 303 days to complete one orbit around the Sun, according to Its maximum distance from the Sun during this orbit is 152 million kilometers and minimum distance is 112 million kilometers.

Asteroid 2022 SE6 was observed hurtling towards Earth today at a blistering speed of 4 km per second, according to NASA. The asteroid made its closest approach to the planet at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers during today’s early hours. Although this asteroid was not expected to impact Earth, things could have changed if a slight deviation in its path occurred due to interaction with the Earth’s gravitational field. It could have changed the asteroid’s trajectory and sent it hurtling towards the Earth for surface impact.

How is an Asteroid Orbit Calculated?

An asteroid’s orbit is computed by finding the elliptical path about the sun that best fits the available observations of the object using various space and ground-based telescopes such as NASA’s NEOWISE telescope and its brand-new Sentry II algorithm. That is, the object’s computed path about the sun is adjusted until the predictions of where the asteroid should have appeared in the sky at several observed times match the positions where the object was actually observed to be at those same time.


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