A case has been filed against eight people in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj over a viral video that showed a “hookah party” taking place on a boat near ‘Sangam’ or the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers – a holy site visited by thousands every day.
The video also purportedly shows chicken getting cooked on the boat in the middle of Ganga river.
In a statement, the city police said the case has been filed against two named accused and six unidentified people. Police have not disclosed the names of the accused yet.
The accused have been charged with hurting religious sentiments and defiling a place of worship.
A 30-second video that went viral three days ago shows a man in a white shirt puffing a hookah on a boat. The camera then pans to show what appear to be kebabs being grilled on the boat. Other men can be seen sitting around him. The camera pans again to show other boats in the vicinity.
“We will ensure that the accused are arrested soon, and strict legal action is taken against them”, the Prayagraj police said in a statement
“The video appears to show both a hookah and non-vegetarian food. We will ensure strict action,” Prayagraj police chief Shailesh Pandey had said on the day the video went viral.
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