Best discoveries by NASA James Webb Space Telescope so far; Check this list


NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has always surprised us with several discoveries. Know the top 5 here.

The James Webb Space Telescope, NASA’s largest and most powerful space science telescope was launched last year on 25 December 2021. Since then, Webb Telescope has never left a chance to surprise the world with its unexpected discoveries. The infrared observatory is orbiting the Sun about 1 million miles from Earth to find the first galaxies that formed in the early universe and to see stars forming planetary systems. We all have been left amazed with the first images shared by the James Webb Telescope of a galaxy cluster. But that’s not all. The list of discoveries via the Webb Telescope is expanding with time. Here are the top discoveries so far by NASA James Webb Space Telescope. Let’s have a look.

Top 5 discoveries by NASA James Webb Space Telescope

First image by James Webb Telescope

On July 11, U.S. President Joe Biden and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson revealed the first science-quality image via Webb Telescope. The image was called Webb’s First Deep Field, which showed a sharp ultra-deep view of the universe and cluster of galaxies called SMACS 0723.

Webb telescope captures dying Star’s Final ‘Performance’

NASA had revealed details on July 12 about a new discovery of the James Webb Telescope, which details of the Southern Ring planetary nebula that were previously hidden from astronomers. NASA explained that ‘nebulae are the shells of gas and dust ejected from dying stars.’

A collection of five galaxies

The James Webb Telescope also shared a stunning view of never-before-seen details of a galaxy group called “Stephan’s Quintet”. It is a collection of five galaxies, as seen in both near- and mid-infrared.

Jupiter, Moons and more

On July 14, NASA shared its first images of the solar system captured by the James Webb Telescope which shows Jupiter, as well as some of its moons and rings. It highlights the planet’s massive storm, the Great Red Spot, as well as bands in the atmosphere of the planet.

Tracked an asteroid for the 1st time

With the tracking of a moving asteroid, the James Webb Space Telescope proved that it can keep a watch on solar system objects as well as the distant galaxies, stars and other faraway objects.


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