Yahoo Mail gets an AI-powered shopping tool that can save your money; Know all about it


Do you remember the good ol’ days when you signed up for your first Yahoo mail? It’s been more than two decades since Google and Microsoft started ruling the world of email. Before that, Yahoo used to be one of the go-to platforms for many users’ daily communications. And why is it important? Yahoo Mail is getting a new upgrade that might increase its appeal among consumers, and it is an AI feature. Let us take a look.

According to a recently shared report by Business Wire, Yahoo has announced new AI tools for Yahoo Mail. It will expand its existing AI beta experience along with an all-new shopping feature called Shopping Saver. It aims to save everyone time and money bringing the shopping experience directly to a user’s inbox and improving the seamlessness of the entire process. This announcement is targeted at streamlining user experiences and transforming email inboxes into assistive tools.

Shopping Saver

Yahoo’s latest AI addition, the ‘Shopping Saver,’ is an innovative tool for online shoppers. The tool leverages generative AI to unearth forgotten gift cards, discount codes, and store credits from users’ inboxes. Moreover, it goes a step further by suggesting messages to vendors, facilitating the seamless application of these savings post-purchase, and more.

“We’ve introduced a full suite of tools on Yahoo Mail to help users save time and money, making strides toward an assistive inbox,” shared Josh Jacobson, senior vice president and general manager of Yahoo Mail. He noted that US consumers collectively have around $23 billion in untapped gift cards and credits, and Yahoo’s initiative aims to help users reclaim a portion of these unspent funds.

Beyond ‘Shopping Saver,’ Yahoo Mail’s AI beta experience offers an expanded suite of tools supported by Google Cloud’s advanced AI technology. Some key enhancements include:

Enhanced Search

The search functionality has been enhanced with intelligent suggestions for common questions, streamlining the quest for specific information. Users can now ask direct questions or choose from prompted queries, such as “how much did I spend on groceries last week?” and add new filters, including ‘From,’ ‘To,’ and ‘Date,’ to further narrow down search results.

Writing Assistant

 The Writing Assistant now offers a wider range of tones beyond professional and casual. With an unlimited offering of tones – urgent, grateful, apologetic, and more. Users can tailor their responses to match the context of the conversation.

Message Summary

This feature offers users high-level summaries of messages, highlighting crucial details like dates, times, and action items. To enhance productivity, the tool also suggests tasks, calendar events, and follow-up topics.

The announcement comes amid similar AI-powered features launched by tech giants Google and Microsoft for their respective email services, Gmail and Outlook. As the email landscape evolves with AI-driven innovations, Yahoo Mail is poised to recapture the attention of users who fondly remember its early days along with inviting new users who seek enhanced efficiency and savings in their digital communication.


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