Wow! Jupiter at its closest to Earth in 70 years! To watch it, know when and where


Jupiter will be closest to Earth on September 26. This will be the closest in the last 70 years. You can watch it through binoculars.

Jupiter will be closest to Earth on September 26. This will be the closest approach in the last 70 years. The huge gas giant is all set to reach what is termed by astronomers as opposition on September 26, i.e, the planet will be at the point opposite the sun in the sky to us. And hence, it has been growing increasingly visible in the east, shortly after the sun sets opposite it in the west, NASA revealed. This means, we’re about to pass Jupiter, from the closest point in the last 70 years.

According to NASA, orbits aren’t perfectly circular and hence, the distance between two planets can vary from opposition to opposition , for e.g. an opposition with Jupiter takes place roughly every 13 months, but this time it will be getting really close. And the best part is you can grab the opportunity of a lifetime to get a good view of Jupiter. Adam Kobelski, a research astrophysicist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre in Huntsville, Alabama. Said, “With good binoculars, the banding (at least the central band) and three or four of the Galilean satellites (moons) should be visible.”

He has recommended a larger telescope- a four-inch-or-larger telescope and some filters in the green to the blue range to see Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and bands in more detail. According to Kobelski, the best viewing location will be at a high elevation in a dark and dry area. Jupiter will be nearly 365 million miles in distance from Earth at its closest approach. The giant planet is nearly 600 million miles away from Earth at its farthest point.

Last month, NASA’s JWST captured an image of glowing Jupiter in its infrared gaze. The black and white image shows Jupiter glowing in the dark, highlighting its Red Spot in bright White. According to, the raw image was captured by using the telescope’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) instrument. Jupiter’s rings stand out in the NIRcam long-wavelength filter image. It shows distinct bands encircling the planet as well as the Great Red Spot, and a storm big enough to swallow the Earth.


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