What is Oort cloud?


There are multiple space objects present in our solar system that we are unaware of. The mysteries of space are awe-inspiring as well as scary to discover. With the latest technology and expert minds at work, we can discover so many things that are present way beyond our solar system. Scientists and astronomers have discovered and studied objects that are millions of light-years away from our planet. One such object that is present near our solar system is the Oort cloud. It refers to a theorized group of icy objects collectively called the Oort cloud. Let’s check out more about the object.

What is Oort cloud?

According to a NASA report. the Oort cloud is like a bubble enveloping the solar system. It is made of icy, comet-like objects. It is located beyond Pluto or the Kuiper Belt. It surrounds most of our solar system and is considered to have billions or trillions, of objects inside them.

These icy objects can get ejected from the Oort cloud are known as comets. Anything that is made of icy gas and dust comes from this cloud.

Oort cloud distance from the Sun

NASA calculates space objects that are very far in astronomical units (AU) in which 1 AU calculates up to 93 million miles or 150 million KM. Therefore the inner edge of the Oort cloud can be found 2,000 and 5,000 AU away from the Sun and the outer edge is about 10,000 to 100,000 AU away.

How Oort cloud formed

According to NASA, Oort cloud is formed of icy dust and debris. It is reported that these objects are made up of planetesimals which are the leftover chunks from planets. The early solar system was filled with leftover material called planetesimals after the formation of the planets. Thereafter, these planets’ gravity pushed many of these icy planetesimals away from the Sun. Gravity from our galaxy then likely captured them and settled them at the edge of our solar system.


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