Watch! Moon and five other planets to be visible together in the evening sky


Attention sky gazers! You will be able to watch a mesmerizing view of the evening sky in mid-July. This month, our Moon will pass close to the neighboring planets and two large planets in the solar system – it will look like that. If there are clear skies, you will be able to see all five planets as well as the moon from anywhere on Earth. You can carry binoculars or a telescope to get a clearer look at the event.

The giant planets Saturn and Jupiter will be visible first next to the moon in early July, note that this visual can be seen in the early morning before sunrise. Later in mid-July, Mercury, Venus and Mars will be close to a crescent moon after sunset.

As per Live Science. In the first celestial event, the moon will be closer to Saturn on July 7. Saturn will be visible above the moon and the two objects will be seen in the night sky in early morning and can be seen until dawn.

As the sun sets in the east on July 11, the waning gibbous moon will rise slightly above Jupiter. As the moon dims on the following morning, it will be visible just beneath Jupiter.

From July 19 to July 21, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will be closely grouped with a slender waxing gibbous crescent moon in the western night sky.

Remember that these visuals will only be seen during sunrise and sunset. On July 19, you can see Venus and Mars close to the crescent moon. If you have a clear view of the western horizon, begin searching about 35 minutes after sunset, according to the astronomer Jeffrey Hunt’s site When The Curves Line Up.

On July 20, the moon be seen slightly higher alongside Mars and above Venus while mercury will be seen low.

Such sights can only be seen very few times in a lifetime and therefore, don’t miss the chance to catch all five planets aligned together.


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