Viral Instagram Reel Captures 7 Popular Ways Of Eating Pizza


We have never come across an individual who has turned down a slice of pizza. After all, a thin crust base oozing with cheese, a number of toppings with a tangy play of tantalising sauces – sounds simply delectable. Pizza is a classic Italian dish that rules the hearts of people, across the globe. While some prefer a cheese-loaded base, others want a thin crust. The choice of toppings also varies from garden fresh vegetables to succulent meat chunks. But, it is safe to say, there is a kind of pizza for everyone. Well, did you know there is more than one way of consuming it? Did we hear relatable? Well, now, we have viral Instagram Reel – shared by “The Furrha Family”- that rightly captures the ways people consume this Italian delight. “How my family eats the pizza,” reads the text on the clip. 

The first person to appear in the video represents people who start eating their slice of pizza from the crust and then head to the cheesy part. Next, we have the “double-decker”, who likes consuming two slices of pizza together. How? Just place one on top of the other. There are also people who like their food a little extra spicy. A spicy dip alongside a slice of pizza makes their gastronomical experience all the more worthwhile. Next in line, we have the “lactose intolerant one”, who tends to remove the cheese and its toppings. What are they left with? Umm, a yummy base coated with tangy pizza sauce. We all have a friend who eats this Italian dish in the “fold/taco style”, agree? 

The Instagram Reel also showcases an individual who is a “quadruple decker.” Yes, there are people who like 4 slices of pizza, racked up one on top of the other. Last but definitely not the least, “One who cannot eat without ranch.” FYI: Ranch is basically a salad dressing made from buttermilk, salt, garlic, onion, herbs, and spices among other things.

The Instagram reel has gone viral on social media, clocking over 4.8 million views. 

People, on the platform, couldn’t stop themselves from dropping comments under the post. A user said, “Double-decker should be in jail.”

Another added, “No one eats from the crust. Sit down.”

“The crust is the best part of the pizza,” declared a person. 

Relating to the clip, a user said, “Definitely the taco fold and hot sauce.”

So, which way do you eat pizza? 

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