Unhinged! Picsart has launched an AI-powered animated GIF generator, and it is really FUN


We have seen AI text generators, we have seen AI image generators and we have even seen AI music generators, but now, it is the time for the AI GIF generator. Earlier this year, Picsart, the online image editing platform, launched a new AI tool called AI GIF generator that allows users to create their desired GIFs with a simple text prompt. For the unaware, a GIF or Graphics Interchange Format is a bitmap image format that reduces the size of images and short animations while retaining the quality. It is a popular means of sharing memes online today. And this Picsart tool can take meme-sharing to a different level.

Introducing the feature, Picsart called it an “Unhinged AI Tool” in a blog post and said, “Simply enter a word or phrase about the GIF you want, and our AI will generate a brand new and original GIF that’s never been used or seen before. As a platform that prides ourselves on all kinds of edits – from polished and professional to the wonderfully chaotic and eccentric – we’re excited for this next (weapon) tool for you to bring to the group chat”.

Picsart’s AI GIF generator is fun

There are two reasons why this AI offering by Picsart is a big deal. First, unlike DALL-E and Midjourney, which are purely static image-generating platforms, this tool lets you create animations.

Second, unlike positioning itself as an art tool or a way for people with artistic leanings to express themselves, Picsart simply calls it a fun tool to bring to your group chat. In essence, the company knows that in today’s times, GIFs are mainly used to react and make memes about a situation. And as fun as memes are, they often get repetitive and boring. The constant hunt for new and unused memes is a struggle that anyone who is a part of any group chat will understand.

This is why what Picsart puts an endless supply of GIFs, at your disposal, and all you need to do is type out what you want.

The AI GIF generator tool is integrated into the Picsart app and is available for iOS devices, Android devices, and on the website version. You can download the GIF to your device or share it with your group chats directly.


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