Twitter video app for smart TVs coming! As Elon Musk eyes the big screen, here are 5 things to know


In what was a big surprise sprung on the general public in a quite nonchalant way, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that Twitter is working on a video app for smart TVs. This announcement was made in response to a user’s comment on Twitter declaring that they would not watch long-form videos on the platform. A Twitter user named S-M Robinson tweeted, “We really need a Twitter video app for Smart TVs. I’m not watching an hour-long video on Twitter.” To which Musk replied, “It’s coming.”

That it may threaten other, established video content providers was clear from what the Twitter user posted next. He said, “Appreciate it. I can see a day where I can cancel my subscription to YouTube, and never look at it again.” One even went to the extent of saying, “Twitter is the new Netflix. “

Notably, since taking over the platform, Musk has implemented various changes, with a focus on video, creator collaborations, and commerce partnerships. As of now, Twitter Blue subscribers only have the privilege of uploading longer videos compared to non-subscribers.

During an investor presentation on Thursday, Twitter’s new CEO Linda Yaccarino and Musk discussed the company’s plans to prioritise video, creator collaborations, and commerce partnerships to revitalise its business beyond digital advertising.

In the presentation, one slide stood out. It said that vertical video accounted for more than 10% of time spent on Twitter, as reported by Reuters.

There are many aspects to the move and here are 5 things to know:

1. Like the rest of the world, Twitter too wants to move into video. The upcoming video app for smart TVs underscores Twitter’s growing emphasis on video content.

2. This move may even be into short-format videos, like YouTube Shorts or even TikTok, but nothing is certain at the moment.

3. The firm has already invested heavily in video, including the launch of its live-streaming platform, Periscope.

4. Twitter is developing additional features to enhance the user experience of watching and sharing videos on its platform.

5. The advantage that stems from this video app is that it will provide significant benefits to both Twitter and its user base as it offers a new way for users to engage with and access Twitter’s content and may even open new revenue streams.

Apart from this, in another significant move, Musk had said, on June 10, that Twitter will pay creators for the adverts that appear in their replies, with a $5 million max payment. This move aims to support verified creators and incentivize engaging content on the platform.



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