Tim Cook says AI potential is ‘very interesting’; can ChatGPT-like AI mode come to iPhone 15?


Ever since the public release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, or AI has been all the rage. It has upended the stock markets and sent top companies in the world scrambling for answers. From tech enthusiasts to major corporate leaders have all expressed their opinions on it, be it positive or negative. Now, many companies have also begun building their own version of a generative AI chatbot or have started adopting it to their platforms. Microsoft Bing, Google Bard and Snapchat’s My AI are some of the biggest adoption of the technology we have seen so far. But after the comments of Tim Cook over the potential of AI, many are now wondering whether Apple can be next to incorporate this technology into its upcoming iPhone 15.

Speaking on Apple’s quarterly earnings call, CEO Tim Cook expressed his opinions about the recent rise of artificial intelligence. As per a MacRumors report, he stated that the AI potential is “very interesting”, highlighting the need to look at the future and to see what can be built based on the knowledge of today. So, does this mean that he might be considering it for iPhone 15 already? Not quite.

Can ChatGPT-like AI feature come to iPhone 15?

Cook also noted that there are a “number of issues that need to be sorted” out with the AI technology and that it is “very important to be deliberate and thoughtful”. It is likely that he meant the recent regulatory issues OpenAI and its ChatGPT has found itself in with regards to the origin of the dataset used to train the system and how it used the data collected from the users.

Additionally, a number of influential people have come out to express their concerns about the unprecedented rise of AI and the potential harm that can come from it. Personalities such as Twitter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak and the Godfather of AI Geoffrey Hinton have said such an accelerated growth can create problems such as loss of jobs, misinformation, biases in automated decision making that can even cause the end of humanity.

However, that does not mean Apple will not venture into AI. Cook also addressed that Apple has already integrated artificial intelligence and machine learning across many of its products and services, highlighting features like Fall Detection, Crash Detection, and the ECG app on the Apple Watch.

So, while a ChatGPT-like AI chatbot is not likely to show up for iPhone 15, it is possible that Apple will improve and enhance existing AI features for the upcoming Apple flagship smartphone.


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