The HORRIFYING solar storm TRUTH behind pleasing NASA James Webb Space Telescope photos


While the NASA James Webb Space Telescope can take amazing images and it can also make them look pleasing, a video shows the truly horrifying nature of a solar storm.

In recent times, solar storms have become synonymous with aurora sightings and aesthetically pleasing images of far off galaxies. These images are so beautiful that people often do not realize how truly horrifying a solar storm and its consequences can be. Even the NASA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has played a role in people not understanding the perils of such solar disturbances because of its mesmerising photos. The images shared from the tech marvel are captured in infrared frequency and are heavily processed to make them look aesthetically pleasing. However, a 2006 video truly showcases the destructive nature of solar storms.

Shared by Aeon, this video was made in 2006 which consists of footage from NASA’s open data portal. To highlight how scary the video is, the article begins with a trigger warning. It says, “Warning: this film features flashing light that could be unsuitable for photosensitive viewers”. The experimental short was named Brilliant Noise and is essentially a compilation of solar-flare activity filled with choppy lights and static noise. And while it is not polished or smoothed over, it showcases the real horror of a solar storm. You can watch the video here.

Old video shows the horror behind a solar storm

The video has sharp sound of film distortion, static noise and bright flickering lights. But amid it all, you see how a solar storm activity brews and shoots across space. The video highlights a truth that is hidden behind the beautiful-looking images by JWST. And the truth is that solar storms are dangerous. While it may not directly kill humans, it can very well create a situation that can drive our civilization to the brink of extinction.

A G5 class solar storm, the most extreme observed, can burn up satellites and instantly disrupt radio communication, GPS navigation, mobile network and even internet reception. But that’s not all, the magnetic field can damage electronic devices, cause failure to power grids and in rare situations, even start forest fires. In 1859, a similar solar storm was witnessed where telegraph machines began shocking the operators and worked without being connected to a power source. It is known in history as the Carrington event.


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