Tag: Zoom Video Communications

Science Has an Answer for Why People Still Wave on Zoom

Science Has an Answer for Why People Still Wave on Zoom

[ad_1] It happens at the end of most virtual meetings: One person waves goodbye, and colleagues follow suit. Why we still do this, nearly four years after remote work went mainstream, is one of the mysteries of the modern workplace.     To some experts in human behavior and communication, the so-called “Zoom wave” emerged due to our need to recreate the social connections that the pandemic ruptured. For others, it's a simple way to signal the meeting is over before digitally departing. Some wave just to be polite, others enjoy it. Whatever the reason, it's as much a remote-work ritual as wearing sweatpants with a business-friendly top (known as the “Zoom mullet”).       “I am a big fan of the wave,” said Erica Keswin, a workplace strategist and author. “People like to know when somethin...
Zoom Video Says It Has Fixed Service After Widespread Outage

Zoom Video Says It Has Fixed Service After Widespread Outage

[ad_1] Zoom Video Communications Inc. said it restored its service after an outage hit at least tens of thousands of users Thursday morning, hobbling a communication system that’s become an essential business tool in the pandemic era. Zoom Video Communications Inc. said it restored its service after an outage hit at least tens of thousands of users Thursday morning, hobbling a communication system that's become an essential business tool in the pandemic era. “Everything should be working properly now,” the company said in a statement posted to Twitter. “We are continuing to monitor the situation.” Complaints about the service spiked Thursday morning, according to Downdetector, an outage tracking service, with over 40,000...