Tag: yips to have poha for weight loss

Love Poha? Here’s How To Have It On Weight Loss Diet

Love Poha? Here’s How To Have It On Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] Poha - This humble Indian dish is a regular in almost every kitchen. Light, easy to make and delicious - poha is all we want in a good meal. But those on a weight loss diet, often void having poha as it is made from rice, actually flattened rice. The fear of carbs intake pushes poha back on our weight loss diet menu, even tough we keep craving for it. If you relate to this, we have some good news for you, Poha, after all, is not bad for weight loss! If you don't believe us, let's hear it out from experts.Also Read: Kanda Poha, Tari Poha And More: 5 Maharashtrian Poha Recipes You Don't Want To MissClinical & Lifestyle Nutritionist Tripti Tandon said in one of her Instagram posts, "Poha - have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner; it's fantastic for any meal. It is lighter on the t...