Tag: Yann LeCun

AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio warns against letting Big Tech control rules

AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio warns against letting Big Tech control rules

[ad_1] In the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there's a big problem that we should pay attention to, says one of the godfathers of AI. A respected figure in the field, Yoshua Bengio, is concerned about the growing power of a few big companies in AI. He's worried that these companies might have too much control over AI technology. He even thinks it's one of the main problems we face when it comes to AI.The Concentration of Power in AIBengio, who has won a prestigious Turing Award for his work in AI, recently talked to Insider about his concerns. He said, "We are making more and more powerful AI systems, and the big question for democracy is who gets to control these systems? Is there a risk that only a few companies will have all the power?" It's an important question that has bee...
Google Deepmind Chief Calls Meta’s AI Criticisms ‘Preposterous’

Google Deepmind Chief Calls Meta’s AI Criticisms ‘Preposterous’

[ad_1] DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis hit back against criticisms from Meta Platforms Inc.'s chief AI scientist — who had criticized him and others in the industry for playing up the existential risks of the technology — calling them preposterous.Hassabis was responding to a post earlier this week from Meta's Yann LeCun, who said that some leaders were needlessly hyping doomsday scenarios and providing ammunition to those who want to ban open-source AI research and development. LeCun argued that that approach would put the control of future AI systems in the hands of just a few companies, which would be a “catastrophe.”  “We want to make sure we get the benefits of the innovation and the promise that the technology clearly holds,” Hassabis said in an interview on Bloomberg Televisio...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: EU AI laws face pushback, Microsoft’s new AI course, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: EU AI laws face pushback, Microsoft’s new AI course, more

[ad_1] Today was a big day in the world of artificial intelligence. As European Union has begun finalizing the redrafted AI laws, many companies have begun sharing concerns and urging the EU to reconsider the policies. In separate news, Microsoft has launched a new AI skills initiative, a free course, across the globe through which it intends to help people understand how to use the potential of AI. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Top companies raise alarm over the EU AI lawsMany big business leaders are opposing the EU's proposed legislation on AI, suggesting that it restricts competitiveness and can harm the growth of this new technology and cause an exodus of investors out of Europe. In an open letter sent to the EU, that has hundreds of signatories inc...
Alan Turing awardee Yann LeCun says fears of AI threatening humanity are “preposterously ridiculous”

Alan Turing awardee Yann LeCun says fears of AI threatening humanity are “preposterously ridiculous”

[ad_1] The debate around the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) is at an all-time high as the European Union passed the AI Regulation bill on Wednesday. For months, many prominent people like Elon Musk and Sam Altman as well as two of the three Godfathers of AI, Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, have been protesting the unprecedented rise of AI and have called for government regulation in space raising concerns of a superintelligent AI causing the extinction of humanity. However, the third Godfather of AI, Yann LeCun, has shunned these fears and has called them “preposterously ridiculous”.Professor LeCun also won the Alan Turing Award in 2018 along with Hinton and Bengio, and they are collectively regarded as the Godfathers of AI. However, LeCun has a different opinion on AI th...
Godfather of AI says he REGRETS his life’s work, quits Google to warn of AI danger

Godfather of AI says he REGRETS his life’s work, quits Google to warn of AI danger

[ad_1] When it comes to the field of artificial intelligence, three pioneers stand above the rest. Often collectively known as the Godfathers of AI, they are Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, and Geoffrey Hinton. Hinton, in particular, is viewed as a leading figure in the field of deep learning and has published an important paper on the backpropagation algorithm for training multi-layer neural networks. However, in a shocking move, he recently quit his job at Google so he could speak more freely about the risks of AI. In a recent interview, he even said that a part of him regretted all the work he did in the field of artificial intelligence now.In a conversation with The New York Times, Hinton said, highlighting his regret, “I console myself with the normal excuse: If I hadn't done it, somebo...