Tag: worst food trend of 2022

The Worst Food Trend of 2022? Of Course, It’s the TikTok Butter Board

The Worst Food Trend of 2022? Of Course, It’s the TikTok Butter Board

[ad_1] There are better ways to get your hands greasy. Imagine you were a stick of butter in 2022. The beginning of the year would've been ordinary enough. But around summertime, things would've gotten chaotic. Your price in the UK would've begun to climb dramatically enough—30%—to make headlines and to become a talking point in the cost-of-living crisis. In the fall, people in the US would worry you'd gotten too expensive ahead of prime baking season. But the year's most unexpected twist would've been when you found yourself spread on all manner of nonfood surfaces and headlining an unlikely food trend: the butter board. Indeed, TikTok enthusiasts made it a very big year for butter. They showed the world innumerable ways to serve the dairy product, first by swirling it around on...