Tag: world food day 2023 date

World Food Day 2023: Date, Theme And Exploring Various Reasons Why Water Is Essential

World Food Day 2023: Date, Theme And Exploring Various Reasons Why Water Is Essential

[ad_1] Every year on October 16, World Food Day is celebrated to remind us of the global challenges surrounding hunger, food security, and the undeniable importance of proper nutrition. This special day is a commemoration of the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations back in 1945, and it serves as a rallying call for collective action against hunger and promoting proper nutrition. It's a day that underscores the significance of making sure everyone has access to nutritious meals.Also Read: 8 Hydration Hacks For Busy People: Drink Smarter, Feel BetterWorld Food Day 2023 Theme - The Crucial Role Of Water In 2023, World Food Day's theme, 'Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind,' resonates deeply with the ever-pressing issue of water's role in...