Tag: world food day

World Food Day: 7 Healthy Superfoods For Keeping Women Healthy And Strong

World Food Day: 7 Healthy Superfoods For Keeping Women Healthy And Strong

[ad_1] A modern-day- woman juggles multiple roles- assuming positions of responsibility at the workplace and at the same time looking after household chores. Hence, it is unsurprising that their daily diet and nutrient consumption cannot keep up with this hectic lifestyle. As per an NFHS study (2015-16), one out of every four women of reproductive age in India are malnourished, with a BMI (Body Mass Index) less than 18.5 kg/m. This isn't just restricted to urban women; this rate of undernutrition is higher among rural women, about 40.6% of them compared to their urban counterparts (25%).Also Read:World Food Day: Tips And Tricks On Sustainable Cooking World Food Day is commemorated throughout the world on 16th October every year to celebrate the establishment of the United Nations Food an...
World Food Day: How Superfoods Help Build Sustainable Nutritional Growth For Today’s Generation

World Food Day: How Superfoods Help Build Sustainable Nutritional Growth For Today’s Generation

[ad_1] Superfoods are foods that are nutrient-dense and are proven to have considerable health advantages. They are widely recommended within the wellness industry. For instance, typing superfood into a well-known e-commerce search engine offers page after page of items categorized as superfoods, such as coffee creamers, green tea powders, dried fruits, and supplements that are easily available in the kitchen. It becomes a prerogative to keep a check and regulate the quality of food intake till a certain age to monitor growth and development to achieve a fitness goal and maximize the health benefits these superfoods bring. Here are some ways superfoods aid in the growth of today's generation by taking a sustainable approach towards these food items.Stay grounded to boost nutritionFor mil...
World Food Day 2023: Date, Theme And Exploring Various Reasons Why Water Is Essential

World Food Day 2023: Date, Theme And Exploring Various Reasons Why Water Is Essential

[ad_1] Every year on October 16, World Food Day is celebrated to remind us of the global challenges surrounding hunger, food security, and the undeniable importance of proper nutrition. This special day is a commemoration of the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations back in 1945, and it serves as a rallying call for collective action against hunger and promoting proper nutrition. It's a day that underscores the significance of making sure everyone has access to nutritious meals.Also Read: 8 Hydration Hacks For Busy People: Drink Smarter, Feel BetterWorld Food Day 2023 Theme - The Crucial Role Of Water In 2023, World Food Day's theme, 'Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind,' resonates deeply with the ever-pressing issue of water's role in...
Animal-Based Diet To Plant-Based Diet: A Transformation, One Food Dish At A Time

Animal-Based Diet To Plant-Based Diet: A Transformation, One Food Dish At A Time

[ad_1] In the small hamlet, I hail from Dehradun where words and phrases like 'plant-based' 'alternative protein' or 'vegan cheese' were alien concepts a decade back. The same was true in most regions of India. Fast forward to today, and I'm sitting at a quaint little cafe offering vegan pizzas, tofu butter masala and coconut milk cappuccino. There's been a visible change not just in the range of food choices in my community but throughout India's (roughly) $30 billion food industry too.   So, what's the deal with this sweeping trend that's taking India's food industry, food-tech startups, and investors by storm? And what has it got to do with World Food Day, celebrated on October 16 every year to commemorate the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and its an...
How Superfoods Help Build Sustainable Nutritional Growth For Today’s Generation

How Superfoods Help Build Sustainable Nutritional Growth For Today’s Generation

[ad_1] Superfoods are foods that are nutrient-dense and are proven to have considerable health advantages. They are widely recommended within the wellness industry. For instance, typing superfood into a well-known e-commerce search engine offers page after page of items categorized as superfoods, such as coffee creamers, green tea powders, dried fruits, and supplements that are easily available in the kitchen. It becomes a prerogative to keep a check and regulate the quality of food intake till a certain age to monitor growth and development to achieve a fitness goal and maximize the health benefits these superfoods bring. Here are some ways superfoods aid in the growth of today's generation by taking a sustainable approach towards these food items.Stay grounded to boost nutritionFor mil...
World Food Day 2022: Date, Theme, Significance, And Food Items Essential For Daily Diet 

World Food Day 2022: Date, Theme, Significance, And Food Items Essential For Daily Diet 

[ad_1] Being able to eat a healthy, nutritious diet is one of the most basic human needs. As simple as it sounds, millions of people are unable to get even a proper meal a day. Many across the globe face hunger and malnutrition. World Food Day, which is observed every year on October 16, focuses on the global crisis of food and why improving this situation is the need of the hour. The day emphasises the value of food and why it should be easily accessible to each and every individual.World Food Day 2022: Date and Theme World Food Day is annually observed on October 16 to highlight the millions of people worldwide, who cannot afford a healthy diet and are in need of access to nutritious food. The theme for 2022 is ‘leave no one behind.' World Food Day 2022: Significance World Food Day was...