Tag: white rice

5 Rice Mistakes You Never Knew You Were Making

5 Rice Mistakes You Never Knew You Were Making

[ad_1] Rice is a staple food in India. In fact, no meal is complete without this starchy grain. Whether you consume it raw, in pulao or biryani form, or just as a pudding, rice is extremely versatile and can make for some excellent dishes. However, as they say, cooking is an art, and not perfectly cooking this staple grain can taint your gastronomical experience. Now, whether you are a beginner or a Michelin-star chef, learning how to cook white rice the right way is essentially important. If you are having some doubts about the same or just want to refresh your skills, fret not. We have compiled 5 mistakes you are making while cooking rice, which will help you understand the nuances of this basic grain.Also Read: Say Goodbye To Regular Pulao! Here's How To Make Chutney Pulao In MinutesN...
When White Rice Is Better Than Wheat Roti For You? Nutritionist Explains

When White Rice Is Better Than Wheat Roti For You? Nutritionist Explains

[ad_1] White rice, a staple in many cuisines around the world, has long been cherished for its versatility and comforting appeal. While it has received its fair share of scrutiny in recent years, it's time to rediscover the benefits that this humble grain brings to our plates. It's true that white rice is highly processed. When it is hulled and milled, it is stripped of its fibre content and loses many nutrients. And its high starch content makes it unfavourable for a weight-loss diet. But should we omit rice altogether from our diet? Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary surprised us with her take.In an Instagram post, the nutritionist revealed that it is a good idea to switch to white rice from wheat roti for someone who is struggling with PCOS, ENDOMETRIOSIS, IBS, Insulin Sensitivity, IBS or e...
White Rice For Diabetics: Is It Good For Health Or Not?

White Rice For Diabetics: Is It Good For Health Or Not?

[ad_1] Rice is a staple in a quintessential Indian diet. Today, you can find different varieties of rice on your plates, but what remains evergreen is the classic white rice. From turning it into simple steamed rice and pairing it with curries of your choice to making biryani and pulao, a handful of white rice has more usage than what you might have thought of. However, the discourse over rice could be a bit controversial. We agree it has multiple uses, but a bowl of white rice attracts debate due to its starch content. One such argument swirling around white rice is about its inclusion in a diabetes diet.Today, we will delve deep into the matter and help you find out whether you should eat white rice or not. Let's clear the air, once and for all.Also Read: Can You Eat Rice On Weight Los...
White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?

White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?

[ad_1] Would you not like some rice along with chicken curry? Instead, you settle for tawa rotis or probably try to pacify your taste buds with just a few spoons of the humble staple. Why has eating rice been such a problem for those who are trying to lose weight or are on a strict calorie-restricting diet? Putting it across, in straight and much simpler words - rice is not an enemy of the weight-related goals that you are trying to achieve - inadequate knowledge about this food item is.White riceLet's unravel what makes this traditional variety such a huge topic of debate in the health and fitness circle. White rice is the highly refined version of raw rice, which is hulled and milled. What makes this variety a not-so-healthy one despite it being widely consumed throughout the world is ...
Can You Eat Rice On Weight Loss Diet? Important Points To Know

Can You Eat Rice On Weight Loss Diet? Important Points To Know

[ad_1] In many parts of the country, rice is a staple and is eaten every day without fail. This basic food is an indispensable part of our diet, but when our diet converts into a weight loss-diet, we have to bid adieu to it. Although a popular food item, rice is often looked down upon as an unhealthy item, and off it goes from our plate the moment we decide to lose weight. But is it really necessary? Is white rice that bad for your diet? Get all the answers here. Heads up - you're in for a surprise!Does White Rice Increase Weight?If you ask dietitian Sheenam K Malhotra, she will say 'no'. In one of her Instagram posts, she made the big revelation that rice is not that bad as it is said to be. And if you know the right way to eat white rice, it can do you no harm.Also Read: Expert Diet Ti...