Tag: what is sushi

Sushi: Not Just A Treat For Taste Buds. 7 Health Benefits It Provides

Sushi: Not Just A Treat For Taste Buds. 7 Health Benefits It Provides

[ad_1] India has opened up its palate to global cuisine and sushi is one of the latest discoveries to capture our attention. Sushi is an acquired taste. You may find it repulsive in the first bite but after a second or third try, you gradually start liking it. The artistry and sublime flavours of sushi have made many of us fall in love with it. Originating from Japan, sushi has gained a firm foothold worldwide. It combines the finest ingredients and expert craftsmanship to create a dish that is light but satiates our cravings. Beyond its delectable taste, sushi offers myriad health benefits that make it a truly remarkable gastronomic and visual delight.  Also Read: Bitter Is Better - What Is Dark Chocolate And Why It Is Good For YouWhat is sushi? What is sushi made of? Sushi is a delicat...