Tag: what is lunar eclipse

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 29 April 2023: Stunningly rare Solar Eclipse snapped at sea

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 29 April 2023: Stunningly rare Solar Eclipse snapped at sea

[ad_1] When the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth at a precise moment, a solar eclipse occurs. Depending on the position of the Moon, it may only partially block the Sun's light, resulting in a partial solar eclipse, or completely block it, causing a total solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the Moon's shadow is cast onto a portion of the Earth. A few days back, a rare solar eclipse occurred. During this time, several astrophotographers captured breathtaking images.One of these stunning images has been shared by NASA today. This image taken from a ship depicts the solar corona, the stunning outer atmosphere of the active Sun, as it streams out into space during the eclipse. "Along a narrow path that mostly avoided landfall, the shadow of the New Moon raced across planet Earth's s...