Tag: weight loss tips & advice

How To Achieve Weight Loss And Health Goals Without Fail – Expert Tips

How To Achieve Weight Loss And Health Goals Without Fail – Expert Tips

[ad_1] A story as old as time, the constantly rising popularity of healthy living does not look like it will ever fade. What does fade though, is our motivation. Weight loss journey starts with signing up with a nutritionist, taking a gym membership and rising with the sun. However, as the weeks go by, the intensity and motivation keep reducing. If this is your story as well, know that it is not you, it is your goal. The only thing you have done wrong is the goal you have made. While most people feel that their goals fail because of their own laziness or lack of motivation, the real reason is very different. Most of the time, the goal itself is flawed and not suited to you. In fact, research says that only 16% of weight loss resolutions succeed.This makes us wonder, what are these 16% do...
Mistakes People Commit While Trying To Lose Weight

Mistakes People Commit While Trying To Lose Weight

[ad_1] Losing weight is one thing but losing the inches in a healthy and sustainable manner is a different process altogether. Many times, in our enthusiasm to lose weight quickly we fall for fad diets, adopt extreme calorie deficits or worse resort to using supplements and steroids. These might help you to take some kg off the body quickly but surely the results won't be sustainable in the long run.Also Read: How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Tips to Shed Kilos the Healthy WayTo lose weight and manage it in a holistic manner, one can't skip the importance of adopting wholesome practices such as making lifestyle changes, altering food preferences, and modifying sleeping patterns. Importantly, there are certain things that you must avoid if you're up for weight loss and here's the list of our t...