Tag: wedges

Air Fryer Recipes – Easy Trick To Make Potato Wedges In 10 Mins

Air Fryer Recipes – Easy Trick To Make Potato Wedges In 10 Mins

[ad_1] In spite of having three meals a day, untimely hunger pangs can strike at any given time. Even the best of us often feel the need to snack in between meals. Then, we reach out and grab whatever unhealthy snacks are available to us within our ambit - be it a pack of snacks or other namkeens that are highly processed. Now, you don't need to binge on processed food as you can prepare a light and tasty snack with just a handful of ingredients and minimal cooking steps. Wondering what it is? None other than potato wedges in an air fryer. The best part is that these crispy potato wedges will be ready instantly without much hassle. So, what are you waiting for? Get your aprons out and read on to know exactly how to make this wholesome treat.Are Potato Wedges Healthier Than Fries? | Diffe...