Tag: water weight loss

Can Drinking Water Before Meals Help In Weight Loss? Here’s What  Experts Say

Can Drinking Water Before Meals Help In Weight Loss? Here’s What Experts Say

[ad_1] There is no replacement for drinking water. Water hydrates and nourishes our body from within, which is essential in carrying out all kinds of bodily functions. Along with drinking enough water every day, timing your water intake may also provide additional benefits, such as weight loss. One popular belief is that drinking water before a meal can help in weight loss. Is this true? If yes, how does it work? Fret not, grab a glass of water and read on to learn everything about the potential weight loss benefits of drinking water.Also Read: 5 Belly-Friendly Treats That Won't Sabotage Your Weight Loss GoalsNutritionist Explains Weight Loss Benefit Of Drinking Water Before MealsThere are several theories of benefits or ill-effects of drinking water before, during and after a meal. Talk...