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5 Surprising Food Habits That Are Making You Overeat … And How To Change Them

5 Surprising Food Habits That Are Making You Overeat … And How To Change Them

[ad_1] Overeating is eating food even when you are full and not feeling hungry. While sometimes you may overeat that extra slice of cake, even when you are full, many times you might be overeating unintentionally. It is best to spot the poor food habits that are causing you to overeat and take action to control your diet and prevent any negative consequences associated with overeating. According to the Cleveland Clinic, when you overeat, you may feel acid reflux, bloating, gas, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain, tiredness and sluggishness. Overeating can also alter how your body regulates hunger and lead to weight gain. Prevent all these potential issues by letting go of poor food habits and adopting healthier ones.Here Are 5 Habits That Are Making You Overeat Even When You Are Not Hungry:...