Tag: Venus Jupiter conjunction

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 15 March 2023: Venus-Jupiter conjunction over Germany

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 15 March 2023: Venus-Jupiter conjunction over Germany

[ad_1] Planetary conjunction signifies that two planets appear close together in Earth's night sky. Thankfully, in the case of Earth's solar system, such planetary conjunctions happen way too frequently because our sister planets travel around the Sun in an almost similar ecliptic plane. Which makes them appear often in our night sky despite being millions of miles away from each other. Just a few weeks ago, the skies were dominated by a planetary conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, where the two planets were very close to each other in the night sky.Although both planets were already visible, this conjunction brought them even closer together and it presented an amazing opportunity for astronomers and skywatchers alike to witness this amazing, rare phenomenon. Today's NASA's Astronomy P...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 6 March 2023: Poland special!

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 6 March 2023: Poland special!

[ad_1] Just days ago, the skies were dominated by a planetary conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, where the two planets were very close to each other in the night sky. Although both planets were already visible, this conjunction brought them even closer together and it presented an amazing opportunity for astronomers and skywatchers alike to witness this amazing, rare phenomenon. Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system, met with Venus, the hottest planet in the constellation Pisces.NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a stunning picture of Planetary Conjunction involving Jupiter and Venus as it took over the skies back in 2012. It was captured in Szubin, Poland, by creating an illusion of both planets being balanced on two hands. The credit for capturing this mesmerizing pictur...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 5 March 2023: Spectacular meeting of Venus and Jupiter

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 5 March 2023: Spectacular meeting of Venus and Jupiter

[ad_1] The world is not yet done talking about the rare meeting of two planets in our solar system in the night sky! Almost on a daily basis, you can find new photos released on the internet of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. NASA has shared Jupiter and Venus conjunction seen as two bright spots over Italy in the night sky as the astronomy photo of the day.NASA said while sharing the photo that “a few days ago, the two brightest planets in the night sky passed within a single degree of each other in what is termed a conjunction. Visible just after sunset in much of the world, the two bright spots were Jupiter (left) and Venus (right).” The featured image was taken near the closest approach from Cirica, Sicily, Italy. Merely a week ago, Venus was rising in the evening sky to meet Jupiter...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 4 March 2023: Venus and Jupiter!

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 4 March 2023: Venus and Jupiter!

[ad_1] In the last couple of weeks, Venus and Jupiter have continued their slow dance in the dark sky. For the past few weeks, the planets have been visible in the early evening skies, shining brightly. On March 1-2, they came closest to each other Ina rare conjunction. A planetary conjunction is basically a view when two planets appear close together in the Earth's night sky. This year, the bright planets of our solar system Jupiter and Venus appeared much closer together than usual.You may have noticed Venus and Jupiter in the clear evening skies recently. It's hard to overlook this bright and close conjunction of these two planets. However, in case you have missed witnessing this rare planet conjunction, then NASA's shared a collage composed by astrophotographer Soumyadeep Mukherjee...
Venus and Jupiter ‘Kiss’ today! Know how to catch planetary conjunction

Venus and Jupiter ‘Kiss’ today! Know how to catch planetary conjunction

[ad_1] After Comet ZTF passed near Earth some 50000 years after its last trip, another rare celestial phenomenon is expected to take place today. A planetary conjunction involving Venus and Jupiter will take over the skies later today. Although both planets are already visible in the night sky this month, they will be extremely close in proximity. The Venus and Jupiter conjunction is a great chance for astronomers and skywatchers see an amazing event.If you do not want to miss this chance, know the details and how you can witness the Venus and Jupiter conjunction here. Jupiter and Venus conjunctionThe hottest and the largest planet of our solar system will meet in a planetary conjunction today. The planets will come so close that they will appear to ‘kiss'. According to In the Sky, Ven...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 27 Feb 2023: Venus-Jupiter conjunction

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 27 Feb 2023: Venus-Jupiter conjunction

[ad_1] One of the most exciting celestial events, the Venus and Jupiter conjunction is on. This is a rare planetary conjunction that has brought two or more planets closer together as viewed from Earth. Throughout the month of February, astronomers and skywatchers have been kept busy along with NASA and all of them have shared a images of the same.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day also features the view of Venus and Jupiter, but with an unusual ray of light extending from the horizon. What is it? NASA explained, it is the “Dust orbiting the Sun. The dust was emitted mostly from faint Jupiter-family comets and slowly spirals into the Sun.” It is known as Zodiacal light, a band of dust reflecting sunlight from the inner Solar System which becomes noticeable during certain periods...
Watch Venus, Jupiter, Moon on March 1, 2! Know when, where, how to see planetary conjunction

Watch Venus, Jupiter, Moon on March 1, 2! Know when, where, how to see planetary conjunction

[ad_1] Skywatchers have a rare opportunity at the beginning of March to catch the remarkable Jupiter and Venus conjunction. Both planets are already visible in the night sky this month, however, they are coming closer than before. NASA has confirmed that Jupiter and Venus are visible in the west after sunset. Now, the two planets are set to appear closer together each evening, as they head for conjunction on March 1. If you don't want to miss the chance to witness the rare occurrence of Venus and Jupiter Conjunction, then know all the details here. First, know what planetary conjunctions are.What are planetary conjunctions?Planetary conjunction simply signifies that two planets appear close together in Earth's night sky. Thankfully, in the case of our Earth's solar system, such planeta...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 Feb 2023: Moon shares sky with Venus, Jupiter

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 Feb 2023: Moon shares sky with Venus, Jupiter

[ad_1] The night sky these days is getting adorned by a special meeting of some celestial objects. Skywatchers must be aware that Venus and Jupiter are all set to make their closest approach soon. Ahead of the conjunction, NASA shared a magnificent image of crescent moon occultation captured by a landscape astrophotographer - Fefo Bouvier. Occultation basically refers to the temporary disappearance of one celestial object as it moves behind another object, as observed from a particular vantage point.NASA said while sharing the photo, “On February 22, a young Moon shared the western sky at sunset with bright planets Venus and Jupiter along the ecliptic plane. The beautiful celestial conjunction was visible around planet Earth. But from some locations Jupiter hid for a while, occulted by...
Jupiter to be at its closest to Venus on March 1. Don’t miss the event

Jupiter to be at its closest to Venus on March 1. Don’t miss the event

[ad_1] Have you spotted the Moon, Jupiter and Venus in the night sky? These three met in the western sky on February 21 and 22 with the crescent Moon sitting close to Jupiter, with Venus below them. But wait, there is more to the celestial phenomenon. Jupiter is said to be closest to Venus on March 1. Informing about the same NASA tweeted, "There's a meetup happening in the western sky: the crescent Moon sits close to Jupiter, with Venus below them. Jupiter and Venus will continue to cozy up until March 1, when they'll be at their closest. Have you spotted these three in the sky? Snap a picture and send it to us!"Meanwhile, if you want to witness Jupiter and Venus at their closest on March 1, you can know that this unusual phenomenon can be viewed from Earth in the night sky. All you w...
Venus and Jupiter conjunction is UNDERWAY; Know when they come closest and how to watch

Venus and Jupiter conjunction is UNDERWAY; Know when they come closest and how to watch

[ad_1] One of the biggest astronomy events of the year is already underway. Two of the brightest planets in the night sky, Jupiter and Venus, are about to come extremely close to one another. At the beginning of February, both the planets were separated by 29 degrees. But they have both begun approaching each other and at their closest, they will only be separated by just 0.52 degrees. This is a rare event and astronomy enthusiasts should definitely not miss it. And if you're fascinated by this, read on to know when these two planets will come closest to one another and how you can watch them. Also know about a special event tonight with the Moon that should not be missed.Venus and Jupiter conjunction to happen soonLuckily, sky gazers will not have to wait too long to see Venus and Jup...