Tag: vegetarian

Looking For Vitamin D-Rich Vegetarian Food? Here Are 5 Healthy And Tasty Indian Recipes

Looking For Vitamin D-Rich Vegetarian Food? Here Are 5 Healthy And Tasty Indian Recipes

[ad_1] We all know vitamins are important for the proper functioning of our body. However, we often forget that we are surrounded by several natural food sources that are rich in vitamins and minerals. All we need to do is mindfully shift our diet towards eating foods that are rich in nutrients. While all vitamins are important, in this article we will be focusing on vitamin D, which helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, which are critical for building bone strength. Laboratory studies have also shown that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, control infections and reduce inflammation, according to the Public Health School of Harvard University. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin D is about 15 mcg (600 IU), as per the US National Institute of Hea...
13 Best Vegetarian Recipes | Easy Veg Recipes

13 Best Vegetarian Recipes | Easy Veg Recipes

[ad_1] Best Vegetarian Recipes: Who ever thought that being a vegetarian will guarantee only boring food will want to correct themselves again because gone are the days of predictable vegetarian menu, vegans are getting adventurous and playing up with different ingredients making up for lip smacking food items. A vegetarian diet reduces the risk for chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, stomach, lung and esophageal cancer.Love them or hate them, but you definitely cannot ignore a plateful of veggies. It's either love at first sight or, for a considerable number of people, takes a while to grow fond of the myriad flavours and textures. But once you get past the in...
13 Best Soya Recipes | Easy Soya Recipes | Popular Soya Recipes

13 Best Soya Recipes | Easy Soya Recipes | Popular Soya Recipes

[ad_1] Soya Recipes- Many speculations surroundsoya beans, but there is no denying the fact that in a vegetarian world, it holds the pride of place. Considered to be the perfect substitute to meat, soya is power packed with proteins and other essential nutrients. You can buy the beans from the markets or get your hands on soya nuggets to make a range of delectable dishes. It is easy to cook and has the unique characteristic of soaking in myriad flavours while cooking. As such, it is a good ingredient that can be used across cuisines.What Makes Soya So Super | Benefits of Soya1. Low Fat: Soya is low in fat with zero cholesterol and is an excellent source of fibre which makes it easy to digest.2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: It contains essential omega-3 fats which assist in maintaining a healthy ...
15 Best Vegetarian Salad Recipes | Easy Vegetarian Salad Recipes

15 Best Vegetarian Salad Recipes | Easy Vegetarian Salad Recipes

[ad_1] Best Vegetarian Salad Recipes: Once upon a time, vegetarian salads were described as just lettuce and tomatoes, with some commenting 'who orders that?' But thanks to a few chefs and other food enthusiasts, vegetarian salads started to probe both our appetite and imagination, with veggies going from being a supporting act to the main event. Ricotta, mushrooms, feta, sun-dried tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley, tarragon and garlic - these ingredients can be used to make a number of stellar dishes. You can also dress them up real nice. Yogurt-based dressings, balsamic vinegar, cold-pressed oils, cherry vinegar, herbs and warm spices: you can literally pick anything under the sun.Before we get to some of the smashing  vegetarian salad recipes we were talking about, we've got a few excit...
Top 17 Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes | Breakfast Recipes

Top 17 Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes | Breakfast Recipes

[ad_1] Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes- It's a common belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Parents and doctors have always advised us to have 'breakfast like a king', and for good reason. It's a great way to get nutrients that propel your metabolism and keep you energized through the day. However to reap the benefits of a good morning meal, it is imperative to start healthy. Researchers have shown that a good breakfast not only keeps a person healthy, but can also help with weight loss. Skipping breakfast translates to binge eating through the day which could be harmful. So, work up that appetite and prepare yourself for some delicious breakfast. For those who find themselves worrying about "what to eat for breakfast?" every morning, we've put together a list of veg ...
India Has The Highest Number Of Vegetarians In The World As Per New Report

India Has The Highest Number Of Vegetarians In The World As Per New Report

[ad_1] Vegetarianism is one of the prominent trends that the world is embracing. Whether for health benefits, environmental reasons, or simply in emulation of favourite celebrities, it has gained considerable traction over the years. While vegetarianism and veganism may sound similar, in reality, the concepts differ significantly. Vegetarianism involves abstaining from meat products and relying on food derived from plants, whereas veganism extends to the complete avoidance of all animal products, including dairy and honey. A recent report from World Atlas has compiled a list of countries with the highest rates of vegetarianism. According to the report, India claims the top spot, with 38 percent of its total population identifying as vegetarians. The roots of this dietary preference in In...
13 Vegetarian Recipes That Leave You Wanting More | Popular Vegetarian Recipes

13 Vegetarian Recipes That Leave You Wanting More | Popular Vegetarian Recipes

[ad_1] Vegetarian Recipes- Till a few years ago, if you flipped through the vegetarian section of a food menu, you were bound to be disappointed. It lacked creativity, spunk and imagination. Your options were restricted to a sorry range of greasy junk food, the Indian curry or Chindian takeaway and the idea of healthy and fine vegetarian food was non-existent. But gradually the tables turned. Partly due to health reasons but mostly because great chefs started to approach veggies in a way they'd approach a rack of lamb. Taking on the culinary challenge, they learned how to use both ordinary and extraordinary vegetables, new cooking techniques and bold flavours. The result was fresh, bright and nothing short of magical. For most of us, it was a revelation.In this article, we thought of cur...
Top 18 Veg Recipes Under 30 Minutes | Quick Veg Recipes

Top 18 Veg Recipes Under 30 Minutes | Quick Veg Recipes

[ad_1] Top 17 Veg Recipes Under 30 Minutes: Love to eat but don't have the time to cook? Well, we bring you quick recipes that can be rustled up within 30 minutes without requiring much effort. Sounds too good to be true? Try it to believe it! There's nothing quite like enjoying simple flavours in home-made meals. Not only is it healthy, you can also pick your favourite ingredients and customise the flavours as per your liking. And when it comes to veggies there are so many delicious ways you can cook them! You should make the most of seasonal produce to load up on all the essential nutrients.Kitchen experiments are great but not for those days when your stomach screams of hunger and you're time bound, well, and that's on most days! Fix yourself a meal in minutes with our seriously quick...
Regular Meat Is Now Passe As Israeli Startup Comes Up With 3D Printed Vegan Meat

Regular Meat Is Now Passe As Israeli Startup Comes Up With 3D Printed Vegan Meat

[ad_1] The consumption of meat has come under criticism in the recent past, due to the rapid spread of the global Coronavirus pandemic. Avid meat consumers are now reconsidering their eating practices, even giving up meat entirely in favour of plant-based diets. 'Mock meats' or plant-based meat alternatives are also steadily increasing their popularity among traditional meat lovers. 'Redefine Meat' is an Israeli startup currently making strides in the industry of 3D printing plant-based meats. They are one of the few pioneers in the alternative meat markets in the world.Spanish start-up Novameat uses plant proteins and a 3D printer to serve up a fake steak pic.twitter.com/Lla8cDJP1H— TRT World (@trtworld) March 8, 2020(Also Read: Covid-19: 5 Ways The Epidemic Will Change The Way We Eat)R...
Viral Video: Internet Fumes As Woman Rants About Not Dating Vegetarian Men

Viral Video: Internet Fumes As Woman Rants About Not Dating Vegetarian Men

[ad_1] Food preferences can differ greatly from person to person and region to region. Some people may prefer indulging in fancy Italian delicacies, while others may prefer traditional dishes like chole bhature and lassi. When it comes to vegetarian and non-vegetarian food, the debate is never-ending. However, does it really matter what someone's food preferences are when it comes to dating? Unfortunately, for some people, it does matter, and it can influence their dating choices. A recent video has surfaced in which a woman makes disparaging remarks about men who follow a vegetarian diet.In the video, shared on Instagram, the woman says, “Just when you thought men can't disappoint you any further, boom! Vegetarian men”.The woman proceeds to add that once a guy, who was “really cute” and...