Tag: vegan diet

5 Healthy Diets That Anyone Wanting To Lose Weight Must Try

5 Healthy Diets That Anyone Wanting To Lose Weight Must Try

[ad_1] If you've ever seen a weight-loss advertisement, you've probably heard it repeated hundreds of times: just take this pill, or purchase this equipment, and the pounds will magically disappear. If you share this belief, let's dispel it together. A desirable body is the result of many factors. For instance, consistency, hard work, patience and more. However, shedding extra kilos can be made a bit easier if you know what diet to follow and how to do it. We understand that choosing the right kind of diet can be difficult because so many of them promise rapid and dramatic weight loss. We must understand that each type of diet is distinct and will function best on particular body types. A weight loss diet that was successful for your friend might not be the best choice for you.Also Read:...
Try This Yummy Palak Patta Chaat Recipe On Your Vegan Diet

Try This Yummy Palak Patta Chaat Recipe On Your Vegan Diet

[ad_1] Veganism is the latest trend that has created a buzz across the globe. Over the years, we have seen more and more people adapting veganism due to health and environmental reasons. So much so that you will find every café and restaurant today having vegan dishes on their menu to serve the ones following a plant-based diet. That's not all. Internet is also loaded with a pool of vegan recipes that you can easily replicate at home. We recently came across one such classic recipe that tugged at our heartstrings instantly. And it's the winter special palak patta chaat, with a vegan twist to it.During the winter season, you will find every chaat corner selling palak patta chaat that features crispy spinach crackers, topped with chutney, dahi and more. But as we all know, the ones with ve...
5 Protein-Rich Foods You Can Add To Your Vegan Diet For Weight Loss

5 Protein-Rich Foods You Can Add To Your Vegan Diet For Weight Loss

[ad_1] The recent wave of veganism has now hit home, prompting many people, including celebrities, switching to vegan diet. Veganism, at large, means abstinence from all animal-based products. Even milk that is derived from animals is prohibited; and it extends to milk-based products like curd and cheese. Along with the limitation of food options, a person who has turned to vegan diet may also find it difficult to get their fill of proteins, which is essential for a healthy body. Protein induces satiety and is excellent for propelling the weight loss process. If you have also embraced veganism but are struggling with weight loss, we have listed down some protein-rich vegan foods that you can include in your diet. (Also read: Want To Be A Vegan Like Virat Kohli? 5 Things To Know Before Ma...
Animal-Based Diet To Plant-Based Diet: A Transformation, One Food Dish At A Time

Animal-Based Diet To Plant-Based Diet: A Transformation, One Food Dish At A Time

[ad_1] In the small hamlet, I hail from Dehradun where words and phrases like 'plant-based' 'alternative protein' or 'vegan cheese' were alien concepts a decade back. The same was true in most regions of India. Fast forward to today, and I'm sitting at a quaint little cafe offering vegan pizzas, tofu butter masala and coconut milk cappuccino. There's been a visible change not just in the range of food choices in my community but throughout India's (roughly) $30 billion food industry too.   So, what's the deal with this sweeping trend that's taking India's food industry, food-tech startups, and investors by storm? And what has it got to do with World Food Day, celebrated on October 16 every year to commemorate the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and its an...