Tag: vegan diet food options

Going Vegan Is Better! Oxford Study Says Vegan Diet Has Less Environmental Impact

Going Vegan Is Better! Oxford Study Says Vegan Diet Has Less Environmental Impact

[ad_1] The idea of going vegan has taken off a lot in the past couple of years. People are opting out of eating animal-based products like eggs, meat, dairy and more. A lot of contenders of vegan diets have wondered whether the diet is actually healthy for our bodies and the planet in general. Many of them questioned whether opting for a vegan diet makes a difference to the planet and helps in reducing carbon footprint. Now, a new study by Oxford has proven that the vegan diet is actually significantly better for the environment and the data shows it clearly. A healthy and balanced diet can go a long way. Photo Credit: iStockAlso Read: Everything You Need To Know About Veganism Before Trying ItThe study was conducted by Oxford scientists and published in the journal 'Nature Food'. They s...