Tag: US President

Led by billionaire Elon Musk, Silicon Valley inches to the right in big boost for Donald Trump

Led by billionaire Elon Musk, Silicon Valley inches to the right in big boost for Donald Trump

[ad_1] Since his tumultuous takeover of Twitter, Elon Musk has made an unabashed turn to the right politically, defying the orthodoxy that Silicon Valley is a citadel of well-heeled liberals beholden to Democrats. Long considered non-identifiable ideologically, Musk's politics are now hardline right wing as he uses his platform (now called X) to stoke the themes cherished by Fox News, conservative talk radio and far right movements across the West.In just the latest example, repeating a conspiracy theory of far right chat rooms, Musk last week posted that US President Joe Biden was importing migrants for votes, laying the groundwork for "something far worse than 9/11." But beyond the posts, the question on everyone's mind is whether the world's second richest person will put his weight,...
What ChatGPT creator Sam Altman wanted on AI just came true as Google, Microsoft, Amazon fall in line

What ChatGPT creator Sam Altman wanted on AI just came true as Google, Microsoft, Amazon fall in line

[ad_1] After ChatGPT stormed to immense popularity over the recent months, its founder, Sam Altman, never let an opportunity pass by where he did not express his strong desire for AI regulations to be created that have some sort of backing from the government. He even toured the world, clamoring for the same from every country's government that he visited. His wishes have just about come true as a number of tech majors have lined up, alongside US President Joe Biden, and promised they will ensure adequate safeguards are taken while creating their AI tools. Notably, many have voiced fears that an unregulated AI environment will lead to the "destruction of humanity", a point of view supported by one of the 'godfathers if AI' Geoffrey Hinton and even billionaire Elon Musk.This new breakthr...