Tag: US antitrust trial

Six Documents That Explain DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Google

Six Documents That Explain DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Google

[ad_1] The most damning evidence in the US antitrust trial against Alphabet Inc.'s Google that concluded in Washington this week came not from the parade of witnesses from Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and other companies, but from internal documents.During the 10-week trial, the Justice Department used emails, slides and other records to illustrate how Google's lavish payments to other companies ensured its search engine became the preselected option almost everywhere people access the internet.  Antitrust enforcers allege that Google illegally maintained a monopoly over search, where it controls nearly 90% of online queries, through those payments to smartphone makers, web browsers and wireless carriers. That dominance allowed Google to raise prices on advertisers without consequences, ...