Tag: Uranus infrared auroras

Breakthrough! In a first, infrared auroras on Uranus confirmed

Breakthrough! In a first, infrared auroras on Uranus confirmed

[ad_1] In a remarkable breakthrough, scientists have, after nearly two decades of research, confirmed the presence of stunning infrared auroras gracing the northern regions of Uranus. This revelation not only enhances our comprehension of Uranian auroras but also offers a glimmer of insight into why this distant gas giant boasts an unexpectedly high temperature.Uranus, like its planetary siblings, is significantly hotter than theoretical models predict, especially when considering its vast distance from the Sun. Astrophysicist Emma Thomas from the University of Leicester in the UK posits that the energetic auroras on Uranus might be the key to this mystery, as they generate and channel heat from the auroras toward the magnetic equator, Sciencealert reported. We are now on WhatsApp. Clic...