Tag: unique food combinations

Top 10 Viral Recipes Of 2023 That Took The Internet By Storm

Top 10 Viral Recipes Of 2023 That Took The Internet By Storm

[ad_1] The internet is filled with a wide variety of content. But what catches our attention the most is food-related. Whether it's someone trying a new dish or giving a spin to a classic recipe, it's always fun seeing these videos on social media. While some of these dishes may not work so well, others go viral and grab the attention of many. As the year is nearing its end, why not take a moment and look back at all the unique recipes that grabbed our attention? From viral broccoli fries to potato noodles, banana bread muffins, doi cheera poha, and more, let's take our taste buds on an exciting journey once again. Check out the list of the most viral food recipes of the year below:Also Read: 10 Moments Of Pride For Indian Cuisine And Indian Chefs In 2023Here Are 10 Unique Recipes That W...
Ever Heard Of Mountain Dew Jalebi? This Unique Dessert From Bangalore Will Surprise You

Ever Heard Of Mountain Dew Jalebi? This Unique Dessert From Bangalore Will Surprise You

[ad_1] When it comes to desi desserts, Indian cuisine has spoiled us with a plethora of choices. We have a wide array of delicious treats to choose from, ranging from gulab jamun and srikhand to mishti doi and more. But among this variety, hot jalebis have found a permanent place in the hearts of many foodies. While you may have encountered different varieties of jalebis, have you ever heard of 'Mountain Dew Jalebis'? Don't worry, this isn't the result of some bizarre food experiment; instead, it's a beloved dish originating from Bangalore. These jalebis are called 'avarebele jalebi.' People tend to refer to them as Mountain Dew jalebis due to their fluorescent green colour. However, the green hue is neither from the beverage nor from food colouring. Interestingly, avarebele jalebi is ma...
Watch: Amritsar Street Vendor Sells Unique Aam Papad Chaat. Would You Try It?

Watch: Amritsar Street Vendor Sells Unique Aam Papad Chaat. Would You Try It?

[ad_1] During the summer, we see fruit markets loaded with fresh and juicy mangoes. After all, there is nothing more satisfying than indulging in a pulpy and luscious mango, which provides relief from the scorching heat. From salads and desserts to juices, the King of Fruits can be used to prepare various delicacies. And aam papad is definitely an all-time favourite. The complex balance of tangy and sweet has us munching on this snack. Recently, a street vendor in Amritsar has gone viral for giving a delicious spin to aam papad. Can you guess what it is? Well, he has gone viral for making aam papad chat.Also Read: Dare To Try Aamras Dosa? Internet Says 'No, Thank You!'The stall vendor chopped some khatta meetha aam papad, added some chunks of totapari aam papad followed by a cherry pink ...