Tag: Ukraine-Russia war

“His Life In Danger”: Family Of Kashmiri Man Duped Into Fighting For Russia

“His Life In Danger”: Family Of Kashmiri Man Duped Into Fighting For Russia

[ad_1] Azad Yousuf Kumar is a31-year-old engineering graduate from Pulwama (Representational)Srinagar: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has recorded the statements of the family members of Azad Yousuf Kumar, a Kashmiri man who was allegedly unwittingly thrust into the Russia-Ukraine conflict after being deceived.The agency recorded their statements recently after filing an FIR against 19 people and visa consultancy firms linked to the exploitation of Indian youth.Azad's elder brother Sajad Ahmed Kumar told PTI that the CBI questioned him about his brother's situation and wanted his presence at their New Delhi office. However, he was unable to comply due to current financial circumstances.Sajad also said the families of 12 other affected Indian men have been contacted by the CBI ...
Russia risks causing new-year IT worker flight with remote working law

Russia risks causing new-year IT worker flight with remote working law

[ad_1] Russia's buffetted IT sector risks losing more workers in the new year because of planned legislation on remote working. Russia's buffetted IT sector risks losing more workers in the new year because of planned legislation on remote working, as authorities try to lure back some of the tens of thousands who have gone abroad without prompting them to cut ties completely.Having relatively portable jobs, IT workers featured prominently among the many Russians who fled after Moscow sent its army into Ukraine on Feb. 24 and the hundreds of thousands who followed when a military call-up began in September. The government estimates that 100,000 IT specialists currently work for Russian companies overseas. Now, legislation is being mooted for early next year that could ban remote workin...
Elon Musk’s Ego Muddies Ukraine’s War Efforts Against Russia

Elon Musk’s Ego Muddies Ukraine’s War Efforts Against Russia

[ad_1] Elon Musk' s fickle flip flops are getting in the way of the military struggle against Russia. “Elon's gonna Elon.” That was the view of one US official in the Washington Post, describing Elon Musk's threat to cut financial support for his satellite communications service Starlink to Ukraine without more Pentagon aid.That Musk appears to have already changed his mind and will keep the funds flowing suggests there's something to this characterization. His erratic, mercurial online persona is impossible to separate from his businesses, as his frazzled stockholders know first-hand. At his level of wealth — around $200 billion — Musk may find all this thoroughly entertaining. If he keeps a diary, the entry for the last month might read something like: “Tried and failed to get out o...
Chinese Leader Li Zhanshu To Visit Russia Next Week: Report

Chinese Leader Li Zhanshu To Visit Russia Next Week: Report

[ad_1] Beijing has refused to condemn Moscow's invasion of UkraineBeijing: China's top legislator Li Zhanshu will visit Russia next week, state media reported Sunday, becoming the highest-ranking Communist Party politician to travel to the country since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.Beijing and Moscow have drawn closer in recent years, ramping up cooperation as part of what they call a "no limits" relationship, acting as a counterweight to the global dominance of the United States.Meanwhile, tensions between China and the West have risen as Beijing has refused to condemn Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and provided diplomatic cover by blasting Western sanctions and arms sales to Kyiv.Li, who ranks third in the Chinese government hierarchy, will pay official visits to Russia, Mongolia, Nepal ...