Tag: ufo

Government Secrecy About UFOs Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

Government Secrecy About UFOs Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

[ad_1] There is currently legislation before Congress that, if passed, could be one of the most important laws in US history. The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023, which calls for transparency in matters related to UFOs, is sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and has considerable bipartisan support, although it may fail due to Republican opposition.One early version of the bill would, among other provisions, create a board of experts that would decide whether classified UAP information should be released. That would enable a managed process by which siloed governmental knowledge would eventually be made public. However skeptical you or I might be, there are many allegations from within the federal government that the government is hiding alien craf...
Aliens: Do they exist? NASA scientist replies

Aliens: Do they exist? NASA scientist replies

[ad_1] Do you think that aliens exist? Scientists are in constant search of another form of life beyond Earth in the solar system and much beyond. From radio communications to even spacecraft, NASA has deployed a number of missions to find that out. However, nothing factual has ever emerged. Nevertheless, there are multiple theories about the existence of aliens and people are curious and want to know about whether they exist or are merely a figment of our imagination. If you too are interested in knowing what NASA scientists think about the exitence of extraterrestrial life, then just read on.Extraterrestrial lifeNASA says that extraterrestrial life has not been discovered, but that does not rule out its existence. NASA's astrobiologis Lindsay Hays says, "We are dedicated to exploring ...
US Government hiding ‘UFO evidence’, whistleblower claims backed by Congressman

US Government hiding ‘UFO evidence’, whistleblower claims backed by Congressman

[ad_1] A US Congressman, Tim Burchett, believes in a whistleblower's claims that the government is covering up evidence of alien spacecraft (UFO). The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, a former analyst at the Department of Defense, stated in an interview that the government possesses physical evidence of intact and partially intact alien vehicles but is withholding it from Congress, the Metro reports.Representative Burchett supports the whistleblower's claims and suggests that the government has been hiding such evidence since the infamous Roswell incident in 1947, and possibly even earlier. He believes that the government is deliberately concealing information, pointing out that many witnesses, including qualified pilots and astronauts, have come forward with their own experiences. ...
UFO over Earth! NASA reveals astonishing video footage

UFO over Earth! NASA reveals astonishing video footage

[ad_1] US space NASA agency had been denying the existance of UFOs for decades. Now, in a historic change of heart, it has started talking about them in public. In fact, astonishingly, it has released video footage of what is purportedly a UFO. NASA has unveiled footage of an unidentified flying object (UFO) that was observed over the Middle East. The agency's first public meeting on the study of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) featured the presentation of a video capturing an orb-shaped UFO in flight.During a press briefing, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, Director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, showcased an image of a metallic orb soaring above the Middle East. He described it as a typical example of the sightings frequently reported worldwide, highlighting their...
On UFO study, NASA takes historic step, holds first ever UAP study team meeting

On UFO study, NASA takes historic step, holds first ever UAP study team meeting

[ad_1] In June last year, NASA announced that it was commissioning an independent team to study the existence of UFOs. UFOs are unidentified objects in space often referred to as alien spaceships. They are part of what NASA calls “UAP” – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, which refers to any unidentified aerial object in space. The team included experts from several fields such as astronomy, and oceanography and even had astronaut Scott Kelly on board, with a funding of $100,000. Now, the first-ever meeting of this independent study team took place on Wednesday, revealing details about the findings of the study. Notably, this is a historic step by NASA as it has been quite hostile about discussing anything relating to UFOs for decades now.Findings of the studyDuring the meeting, astrophysic...
NASA talks UFOs with public ahead of final report on unidentified flying objects

NASA talks UFOs with public ahead of final report on unidentified flying objects

[ad_1] NASA held its first public meeting on UFOs Wednesday a year after launching a study into unexplained sightings.The space agency televised the hours long hearing featuring an independent panel of experts. The team includes 16 scientists and other experts selected by NASA including retired astronaut Scott Kelly, the first American to spend nearly a year in space. Several committee members have been subjected to “online abuse” for serving on the team, which detracts from the scientific process, said NASA's Dan Evans, adding that NASA security is dealing with it. “It's precisely this rigorous, evidence-based approach that allows one to separate the fact from fiction," Evans said.The study is a first step in trying to explain mysterious sightings in the sky that NASA calls UAPs, or un...
US government examining over 500 ‘UFO’ reports

US government examining over 500 ‘UFO’ reports

[ad_1] Most of the new reports come from US Navy and Air Force pilots, it said. The US government is examining 510 UFO reports, over triple the number in its 2021 file, and while many were caused by drones or balloons, hundreds remain unexplained, according to a report released Thursday. The 2022 report by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) said that 247 "unidentified anomalous phenomena" or UAP reports have been filed with it since June 2021, when it revealed that it had records of 144 sightings of suspicious aerial objects under examination. In addition, the report said, another 119 reports that had been buried in old records from the past 17 years had been unearthed, leaving it with 510 in total. Most of the new reports come from US Navy and Air Force pilots, it sai...