Tag: Uber API

Social impact at scale with thoughtful APIs groomed with good design

Social impact at scale with thoughtful APIs groomed with good design

[ad_1] Navanwita Bora Sachdev is a freelance contributor and the Editor of The Tech Panda.The consequences of using Application Programming Interfaces (API) are undoubtedly far reaching, something that could be heaven sent for dispersing information and services on a large scale. Groomed with good design, thoughtful APIs for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) could transform a society into a well-informed entity. APIs are often called the unsung heroes a user doesn't know about. Few users know just how many APIs are serving their needs in even the simplest of digital contractions, whether it's hailing an Uber, making a peer-to-peer payment, or communicating with a company via WhatsApp. APIs even drive streaming services like Netflix. In each of these, the customer-facing compa...