Tag: twitter view count

Big changes on Twitter! 60 minute videos, View Count are here

Big changes on Twitter! 60 minute videos, View Count are here

[ad_1] Twitter is rolling out big changes to its platform as you read this. Check out the new features. Twitter continues to be involved in controversy under Elon Musk's leadership ever other day. In the midst of all that's Elon, Twitter has rolled out two new features that could help content creators to a larger extent. One of them is called View Count and the other one is related to long videos. The feature is live across Twitter on web for the 60-minute video length while the View Count is live on all platforms as of now.The first feature is related to long videos on Twitter. If you have subscribed to Twitter Blue, you will now be able to upload 60-minute long videos. On its Twitter Blue page, Twitter says that subscribers can now upload up to 60-minute long videos. This is a great...