Tag: truffle mushroom

‘Black Diamond’ Of The Kitchen: What Are Truffles And Why Are They So Expensive?

‘Black Diamond’ Of The Kitchen: What Are Truffles And Why Are They So Expensive?

[ad_1] Truffles belong in the world of culinary delicacies. Truffles are edible spores that grow on an underground fungus. This may not sound delicious, nor does the appearance of truffles look very appetizing -- something like a black potato or rock. However, truffles are much loved in gourmet cuisine for their musky, meaty and earthy flavour. For centuries, truffles were found exclusively in European countries like Spain, Italy and France, where they grow in the wild, reports Smithsonian Magazine. However, over the past 50 years, truffle production has gone through an incredible global expansion, thanks to cultivation techniques giving opportunity for plantations in regions like the United States, China, Greece, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile and Argentina.Also Rea...
Sugar-Free, Guilt-Free! Sweet Protein Discovered In Truffles May Be The Next Big Thing

Sugar-Free, Guilt-Free! Sweet Protein Discovered In Truffles May Be The Next Big Thing

[ad_1] The use of artificial sweeteners has come under the lens and has stirred up controversy. In mid-July, World Health Organisation (WHO) said that consuming large quantities of artificial sweetener aspartame may be carcinogenic. Thus, cola drinks which use aspartame are coming under scrutiny. At this time, the buzz around natural sweeteners has come around in the news again. People are looking for sweetening agents that are not harmful to health. Recently, a US-based start-up named MycoTechnology discovered a natural sweetener derived from a kind of truffle mushroom.Truffle mushrooms are typically used as a luxury ingredient in European cooking. Now, they may be brought into use as a natural sweetener too! A company dedicated to the research of mushrooms, MycoTechnology has identifie...